To The Grave

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"Oh my gosh"!?

"Jacob are you okay"?! Marleni spoke with concern as she knelt down to the floor next to me, immediatley her hands carrased my face. He, He! ^_^

"I-I-I think so". I stuttered half dazed while I sat my body slightly up. I suddenly herd someone kiss their teeth, "Oh  Please". Chresanto mumbled out making me and Marleni look at him."His bitch ass is okay, nothing more than he can handle." Chresanto winked at me while I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

I herd Marleni sigh, "Well, l-lets just get you up". I bit onto my bottom lip as Marleni helped me stand up.I immediatley thanked her with a smile, once I stood on my feet.

"No problem."Marleni muttered out while I felt myself blushed, hearing Chres loudly clear his throat, made Marleni blush as well."W-we should probably head in class now". Her eyes were on the ground, while I smirked, "We should huh?" I raised my brows as Marleni licked her lips, she then passed by Chresanto as she walked inside the classroom.

I followed rite behind her, but was immediatley stopped, since Chres's body blocked me from entering.

"You betta stay away from her Perez". He looked me dead in the eyes while I bawled my fists, "And what If I dont"? I spoke back with confidence as Chres began to chuckle under his breath, making my face scrunch.

"You really want to find out "buddy". Chresanto began to grow serious as my body slightly shook, my mind thinking about yesterday in the pool room.

Immediatley I grew silent as Chres's hand suddenly gripped my waist, pulling my body close to his so we was chest to chest.

"I didnt think so".He whispered to me, our faces were inches apart while his minty breath invaded my nose.

I scrunched my face, "W-w-why do you hate me so much Chres, I-i never did anything to you". My voice croaked as I gulped.

Chres's hold on me suddenly tightened, making my brows furrowed. "Perez'. He licked his lips as my eyes reluantcly went down to them, I-I-i dont know why, but his lips looked so.... sooo, ughh WAIT! scurtt! let me not finish  that thought  >.>

I felt my palms began to get sweaty while he moved his lips to my cheek brushing my jaw until he reached my ear.

He wet his lips again, his tongue lightly slid onto my skin making me whimper."Ughh, thats just a little "secret" Im taking to the grave bro".Chres exhaled a deep breath as his grip loosened on me, as he suddenly walked away, leaving me confused in the doorway..............

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