Lets Just Say

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He rejected me....

He told me to stay away from him, a-all because o-of that Afro kid Perez.

I whimpered from my sadden thoughts, unbelieving the events that once occurred.

I mean, do you honestly think that I WANT to be gay, do you honestly think it was my choice to be in LOVE with my best friend.

It's not and never will be my fault.....


"Chresss". I moaned half asleep as I felt his lips on my bare chest, "Chress stoppp". I groaned biting my lip feeling my self stiffen in my boxers.

Does he ever get tired or...

"Wake up". I herd Santo growl, suddenly feeling his lips brush against mines, forcing my heavy lids to unseal.

"What time is it". I whispered while looking into his eyes, his built stature hovering over mines as he looked over to the alarm clock.


Immediately I scoffed, it's almost 11:30pm and this nigga wants me to wake up, nigga please.

I pursed my lips while closing my eyes, forgetting he was on top of me.

"Good nite chres".


The first time I sleep over Jacobs house and he wants to go to sleep on me??!

Immediately I smiled while climbing off the bed to go down stairs.

The only reasons why I'm sleeping over is because its a Friday night, no school tomorrow AND because I didn't want us to be dealing with Marleni in the house.

I swear.

I chuckled while grabbing the container of strawberries and whip cream.

If she truly was my cousin or truly loved me in her family she would WANT me to be happy.

I mean technically I did know Jacob first.

Quickly slamming the fridge door shut I exited out the kitchen and headed up the stairs making sure to not drop the continents in my hand.

"Still sleep". I mumbled, strolling inside the room to see a sprawled out Jacob on the bed.

"Mm". I herd him mummer as I made my way to the edge of the mattress, placing the fruit and cream in the corner.

"Won't be sleep for long". I sneered, dipping my knees into the silky sheets as I crawled my body in between his legs.

His response was a snore which made my lips to curl as my hands went towards the top of his night stand, grabbing Jacobs pillow ties as I gripped his wrists immediately tieing him to the poles of the head board.

As if I set his alarm off, Jakes lids slowly began to flutter.

"What are you doing"? I herd him whisper under his breath.

Being the dominant one in the relationship I didn't answer his words, nope, instead my back arched backwards so I could grip the can of whip cream, violently shaking the topping as Jakes eyes scanned in wonder.

"W-why are my wrists t-tied". He immediately began to struggle to get loose but of course he couldn't.

I smirked in accomplishment while my fingers slowly trailed up and down his chest, "Lets just say, you won't ever fall asleep on me again, unless your WILLING to take the consequences".

I growled forcing Jacob to bite his shaking bottom lip.

Who's ready for the next chapter???

- Imaginingmb -

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