Mindlessly Dreaming {Filler}

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"Ughhh!" It was officially 11:30 on the dot and I was tossing and turning in my bed. Im tired as hell, my body was aching & sore as hell from school, BUT MY FUCKIN STUPID ASS THOUGHTS WOULDNT LET ME SLEEP!!

You wanna know why?

Weeelllll, I'll give you a hint, The word starts with a "P" and it ends with "erez". -_-

Yeah my "buddy" himself.

Hmmphh, the only reason why this guy would'nt get out my head was because of our little "moment" in the locker room we had the other day.

I mean, I really dont know why buuuttt.... ever since I confessed my TRUE feelings to Perez he's just been acting "not hisself" lately. Like, he'll still tutor me, will still have our private swimming lessons after school But the thing is!, he wont say A WORD to me. And it's driving me FUCKIN INSANE!

"Fuck." I sighed in exhaustion, stuffing my face into the cold white pillow when suddenly, a loud tapping noise forced me out of my thoughts.

"Huh"? My confused eyes began to lurk around my picth black room when suddenly,




I herd the noise again only making me more curios when I noticed it was coming from my window.

"Who the fuck"? I scrunched my brows together while tossing my blanket off of my body and stumbling towards the wooden/glass frame.

Slightly shaking, my hands gripped the bottom of my window and lifted it half way open, only for me to bump heads with someone.

"Aghhh"!!! I stumbled backwards, rubbing my now aching skin while my eyes locked onto the mysterious stranger only to see my buddy himself.

"Perez." I whispered in confusion, un beliveing he was here, my eyelids began to fastly flutter.

"Chreessss". Jacob slurred my name, obvious he was still in pain from our rough encounter. I watched him with ease, as he climb through my window and planted his two feet onto my room floor, his body now standing tall.

"W-whAAAT a-are you d-doing here." I faked yawned, my back arched, poking out my chest, while I strecthed on my tippy toes.

I wanted him to think I was sleeping, I did'nt want him to know I was mindlessly thinking about him less than five minutes ago.

(Hmmm mindless, hehehe ;)

Jacob sighed heavily, teeth sinked into his bottom lip while he combed his fingers through his curls.

"Uhhhh". I lowly whimpered to myself as I began to remember how soft and silky his hair felt, my fingers slowly running through his hair while I looked into Jacob's pleasured filled eyes-



I mentally slapped my face, bringing my attention back onto Jake who was now suddenly standing a few feet in front of me.

Fear was written across his face while his pink soft needing-to-be-kissed-rite-about-now lips parted.

"We need to talk........... now."

He spoke out of breath, his chest now heaving.


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