Will See Then

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"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT"?!! I yelled at Ray as we all stood tired as hell in the locker room, in response he shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"I don't know".

"I DON'T KNOW? I DON'T KNOW?! WELL YOUR DAMN I DON'T KNOWS IS GONNA COSTS US THE GAME RAYAN"! I screamed as my teeth gritted together in pure anger, I was so fucking frustrated rite now and I was ready to take it out on anyone.

"Chresanto calm down". I herd Coach G's voice, "You need to go cool off". He mumbled as I suddenly saw Craig go over towards ray, yeah he better talk to his ass, cause I can't anymore.

"Alright coach". I mumbled back while rolling my eyes and swiftly walkin out of the locker room to lean on the out side doors.


Okay so I think I got lost, this stadium is to damn big!

Like sheesh how many rooms is there??!

I bit onto my bottom lip while turning my next Corner, which. immediately made my heart to flutter.

"Chres". I whispered lowly as I saw him basically fallin a sleep on the doors.

"Jacob". He immediately smiled once he noticed me, "What are you doing over here". He questioned while softly grabbing my hips, staying firmly still.

I slightly blushed from his movement, " I came over here to make sure you were okay". I licked my lips while bringing my hand to his cheek.

"Are you"? My eyes scanned his face, immediately seeing a frown, "To be honest, no". Chres groaned taking his eyes off of me, causing my lips to pout.

"It's all my fault Santo I-I'm sorry". I stuttered lowly while lowering my head, immediately my chin was grabbed.

"Jake don't say that, none of this is your fault, okay". Chres's eyes gleamed while he sighed deeply, pulling my body closer to him so My head leaned against his chest.

"Besides,.. its rays fault, not yours". Santo ran his fingers through my curls causing me to sigh as he tilted my head back so we were looking eye to eye.

(aye that rhymed ;) )

"I love you Perez". He mumbled making me smile, " I Love you to August".

Chres immediately smiled as well as he brung his lips down to my own.

In response, we both moaned.

Could I ever get tired of kissing him?


I don't think so.

"God I love your lips". Chres suddenly groaned making me exit out of my thoughts as I felt his hands slide down my back immediately causing shivers down my spine.

Oh I already know where this was going...


"I really like your jersey number". Jacob mumbled to me while I took my lips off of his and slid them down his neck.

"Hmm you do". I hummed lowly while listening to his panting, immediately I smirked.


Oh so Santo thinks he's big now?

"H-how many more minutes t-til half time is u-up". I spoke demandingly while tilting my head back, my body so felt like it was on fire rite now.

I wanted Chresanto, and I wanted him NOW!

Chres paused from assualting my neck and quickly tilted his head to the sky to look at the score board/clock.

"About 5 more minutes".

His words made me smirk as I quickly and roughly grabbed the back of his neck and smashed his lips on top of mines.

"That's all I need". I growled, biting his bottom lip, while sliding my hands down Chresantos chest and rested them on his waist line.

"You so can't me cum in 5 minutes". He chuckled while cocking his brow, immediately making me more turned on.

"I guess will see then huh Papi?"

Decided to cut the chapter short and write the next part later on tonight, it's to early to be getting freaky my children >.>

- Imaginingmb -

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