Cloud Nine

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Cloud Nine


"He's just to stubborn, I don't know how much longer I can put up with him." Marleni texted Craig as her and Ray were in her room, sitting on opposite sides of the bed.

"We'll we made a deal, until you two break Jacob and Chres up then you have to get ust to Ray." Craig texted back making Leni to scoff as her eyes scanned over the bright screen.

What Marleni or Craig didn't know was Ray happened to be feeling the same exact way about her, and sooner or later.

He was gonna snap and take matters in his own hands...

Besides, the two braided boy did come prepared this evening.

"Chresss stop". Jacob giggled helplessly as his hands were pinned behind his head, fingers running fastly up his sides.

"Say uncle." Chresanto smirked, tickling the boy he loved while chuckling his self.

"U-uncle, Uncle". Jake stuttered out of breath, pleasantly sighing since his hands were suddenly freed.

"You have an adorable laugh Perez". Chresanto mumbled, laying his head on Jacobs chest while his hand rested on his side.

"And you have a beautiful smile August". Jacob breathed back gaining a sudden peck on his cheek from those soft plump lips he loved.

"We're do you see us in the future Perez." Chresanto whispered out, his face hovering over Jacobs while his elbows were propped, lifting up his weight.

"Umm." Jake bit his lip, brows furrowing, "We'll what college are you planning on going to."

Jacobs words made Chresanto to sigh, "Uhh I was thinking about going to UC".

"In LA"?

"Yeah, there football team is one of the best in the country."

Jacob nodded his head in agreement before spilling out his future plans.

"We'll for me I was thinking about going to NYU, for fashion....". He whispered, dropping his eyes in embarrassment from the interest he adoringly loved.

"You never told me you wanted to be a fashion designer". Chresanto quirked his brow, licking his lips with curiosity.

"You never asked"...

"Hmm well when your clothing line comes out and your looking for models, hit me up".

Chres smiled, showing that big toothy grin that made Jacob's eyes to roll , "Okay Mr.Conceited".

"Oh I am so not conceited".

Santo huffed defiantly while Jakes lips pursed, "Sureee you not".


Chres sighed, climbing his body away from Perez's and off his bed.

"What are you doing." Jacob questioned, sitting his self up while his eyes watched Santo take off his shirt.

"Getting in the shower."

Chres dropped his clothes to the floor, fingers now undoing his belt.

"So you decided to strip rite in front of me."

Jacob whined, suddenly squealing with his hands over his eyes once he saw Chres sliding his jeans and boxers.

"Nothing you haven't seen before Perez". Chresanto rolled his eyes while Jacob huffed, "Yeah well......"

"We'll nothing." Chres mumbled, throwing his boxers towards Jacobs head before grabbing his towel to place on his waist.

"Your welcomed to join me if you become lonely." And with that Chres left the room and headed to the bathroom.

Cloud Nine RocxPrinceWhere stories live. Discover now