Not What I Asked For...

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Shit -_-, the second bell rung loudly in the quietl hall way, making me kiss my teeth in anger. I was now offically late for first period, I sighed while bringing my books closer to my chest, slowly I strolled down the hall."I dont wanna be here". I mumbled under my breath while frowning,

when suddenly I herd a loud voicing telling me to stop, I scrunched my face."AYYEE YOO!" The voice was slightly high as I turned my head back, my brows were furrowed as my pupils landed onto a girl, wait, let me rephrase that, a BEAUTIFUL girl.

I nervously cleared my throat as I watched her walk closer to me, my heart pounding in my chest as I felt my shivers run through me.She was so..... so..... so gorges.

I licked my lips as the girl suddenly came to a stop, our eyes looking into each others while she softly spoke, "Could you plzzz help me wiht my schedule, cause I have noooo Idea were Im going".She cutely pouted out her bottom lip while my eyes began to travel her body up and down.

I would like to gladly point out, Mami got it goin on ;)

I reluntactly cleared my throat, forcing myself out of my peverted thoughts as I slightly nodded my head, "O-okay". I stuttered nervously.Shit, get your self together Jacob >.<

The chica then halfed smiled at me as she handed me her scheudul, our fingers lingered on each others a little longer than needed but hey *shrugs* I didnt mind ;). I wet my lips as we both began to walk down the hall, my eyes slowly going to her period 1 class that was orinted on the black and white paper.

My body immediatley grew in excitement, "Oh, you got 1st period with me, Chemistry, Teached by Mr.Fitz".I winked at the girl as she bit her lip in return.

My cheeks slightly shaded as I tried to keep up with the conversation,"Sooo its your first day here,  all alone"? I flickered my eyes as the girl popped her lips making me smirk,"Weelll, my cousin WAS suppose to help me out today but..." She shrugged, "I guess he decided to ditch me for his friends after breakfast".She licked her lips as I pursed mines to the side, "Well, Im glad he did, cause if not".I exhaled, "I wouldnt have gotten to really meet your gorges self, now would I"?I halfed smiled at her."Your very sweet, you know that rite"? She combed her fingers through her long honey brown hair.

I cocked my brow while keeping my focus on her, "Hmm, your the first person in this school who actually gave me the time of day, you know "that" rite?" I cocked my brow up as the girls eyes slightly widened in suprisement, >.>, "No I didnt".

Both of us immediatley luaghed.


"Ughhh here it is, our hell hole, room 214".I groaned stubborningly while leaning my shoulder against the brown wooden door, my mystery girl blushed as she stood her body further up on her tipy toes, "You knooww...... I never got your name".She twisted her finger through my front curls while I bit my lip, "Jacob".I mumbled lowly as we stared in each others eyes."Jacob Perez".

"Hmm, My sweet JaCob".She stressed the "c" as I chuckled.

"You Know".I got serious again while leaning my body more onto the door.

"I never got your name either"? I raised my brows as my chica  licked her glossy pink lips, "Marleni".She shrugged bluntly "Marleni Augu-"


My body suddenly crashed down hard onto the floor since some fucking idiot decided to open the door, I graoned in pain as my eyes looked at the person seeing the big fucker himself.-__-

"Jacob"? Chresanto scrunched his face as he looked at me, then Marleni,"What the hell were you doing with my cousin".He spoke in a confused tone as my eyes immediatley widened.






I groaned fustraightinglly while exhaling, Looorddd this is not what I asked for, Hmmp, you just like making things complicated for this misfit rite here, dont you? dont you?! -__-

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