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It was almost the end of second quarter and were down by 10, and for some big ass reason I feel like its all my fault that this is happening...

Why you ask??

Simple, one word:


Ever since the game started him and Chres been ignoring each other on the field, it was utterly ridiculous.

When one has the ball the other acts like he isn't even there, which is dumb as fuck for Rayan because my baby is the damn quarterback!

Ugghh, I'm frustrated and tired rite now and I know Chres is to..


I'm so frustrated and tired rite now, I feel like I just wanna leave this damn game.

Everything was goin into a disaster all because of me and Rayans big ass fude.

Ever since the ref blew the whistle for the game to start me and pig tails been ignoring the fuck out of each other, I mean does he not want to win or.....

"Chres were playin d32". I felt Craig's hand on my shoulder as he mumbled the next plan to me.

"Alright, hopefully Lopez doesn't fuck this one up". I sneered loud enough for ray to hear as I got into stance position, "Rite back at Chaya Santo". Ray barked back at me making my eyes to roll as the sound of craig sayin "hut,hut" caused my feet to take off.

We can do this, we can do this, my mind was in a complete slur of words as I standed next to the end zone waiting for ray to get the ball and throw it to me.

"Craig now"! Rays voice roared across the stadium as I watched Craig throw the ball into the air, swiftly it spinned in spirals before landing directly in Rayans hands.

Okay, this is it, now all he has to do is throw it to me.

I licked my lips as I got ready to get the ball but was immediately appalled when Ray began to take off running.

"WHAT THE FUCK RAYAN"! I basiclly screamed on the field while watching him running towards the ends zone where I'm at.

Why the fuck would this nigga try to make this touch down if that's my job!!!

My brows furrowed together in frustration as I watched ray suddenly get tackled by two opponents.

Great just fuckin great.


Welp it's officially half time and I'm officially pissed.


"Oh gosh". I mumbled with a frown as I watched chresanto angrily make his way back to the locker room, I have to do something, I can't live with myself if we loose this game AND for it to be my fault.

I nibbled at my bottom lip as I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, "Jacob". Marleni's soft voice filled my ear making me turn my head so my eyes were on hers.

"Yes"? I raised my brows as she scooted closer to me on the bench so our legs were touching and our faces were inches apart.

"Do you actually love chresanto"? She whispered with pouty lips as her hand suddenly slid down from my shoulder and now onto my chest.

Oh god, if my face wasn't red at the moment.

"Umm l-Leni I have to use t-the bathroom ill be r-rite back". I stuttered back, ignoring her question as her fingers suddenly grasped my belt making my hips to jerk.

"I should come with you". She spoke with lust in her voice and had desire filled in her eyes.

Okay I really need to get away from her now.

Quickly and abruptly I stopped up from my seat, ignoring marlenis words I fastly headed to the locker room to talk to chresanto.

Hopefully I can do something to get him more focused so we won't loose this game....

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