Long Night

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Long Night


"Mi mama pleaseeeee, you're embarrassing me". I whined with a pouted lip while I watched my mother show Chresanto my child hood photo book.

This is complete torture, not only was Chres laughing and enjoying the pictures but he was also screen shoting some on his phone.


"And here's Jacob at 3 years old using the potty for the first time."


I herd Chres awe from the sight while his head tilted to the side, "This is so going to be my new screen saver". He mumbled while raising his phone.


Quickly snatching the book out of my mothers hands I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, "Uhh I think t-that's enough of pictures for the night, don't you think". I cleared my dry throat while the two looked at me with piercing eyes.

"I guess". My mom sighed, slapping her hands on her thighs while raising from the couch, swiftly walking over to the kitchen.

"JACOB!" She yelled as my eyes never left Chres's intimidating ones, "Yes!" I replied back, slowly taking retreating steps as Santo suddenly began to come over towards me, his eyes focused on the photo album in my hand.

If this Chico thinks he's really getting this picture and making it he's screen saver, then papi got another thing coming.

"DO YOU WANT ME TO MAKE Y'ALL SOMETHING TO EAT BEFORE YOU GO TO CHRESANTOS FOR THE NIGHT"! I herd my mother yell, the sounds of pans rustling as I gripped the flat object harder in my hands.

"Sureeeeee". I dragged my words as Santo suddenly lunged forward to me, but quickly I dodged his attempt and skidded over towards the other side of the room.

With a loud "thump" I herd Chres groan in pain while slowly rising up from the floor.

"Perez". He sneered my last name, eyes now filled with anger as I gulped in fear.

"Si papi." My breaths were low and shallow as Chres fisted his hands, slowly pacing closer to my stance.

"Give me the book". He demanded, making me shake my head, "n-no". I stuttered, taking steps back while he took some forward, never leaving my eyes.

"No?" Santo questioned with a quirked brow as I sucked my bottom lip, not even responding back.

"Now you know what happens when you don't listen to me Jacob". Chres calmly spoke while my back suddenly hit a flat surface.

Quickly my gaze took over, noticing I was trapped into a corner.




A low whimper escaped my lips as I slid the book behind my back, fingers clutching the object while Santo's frame towered directly over me.

"Now We can do this easy way, oorr we can go with the hard way". He growled, eyes piercing mines as my heart pounded from his words.

As a reply to him I just stayed silent, my teeth sinking into my sudden parched tongue.

"Fine". Chres groaned, fastly gripping my chin in his hands while swiftly smashing his lips onto mines.

Immediately I gasped in suprisement, trying to catch my breath as Santo suddenly took that chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

We both moaned in unison

The battle of dominance invaded our minds as our tongues tasted each other.

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