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"Okay so what was the big deal of me meeting you here". Marleni sat un patiently on the brown wooden bench, eyes wandering onto the energetic kids who were playing on the jungle gym.

Her words immediately made him sigh , " I wanted to speak to you about Santo and Jacob." He frowned after his words while Lenis face scrunched in wonder.

Seeming as though the subject gained her attention and much more interests.

"Yeah"? She whispered under her breath waiting while he spoke again, "Their relationship is causing too many problems, a-and I want you to stop those problems." He paused as Marleni nodded for him to continue.

" And since you're the only girl Perez has ever grew interests for then I was hoping you can try to get him with you a-and I-Ill he-l-lp". He stuttered out his last words after seeing the devious look on Marlenis face.

"Hmm I'm feeling your plan but I have one small question, what exactly is in it for you in this whole situation". Marleni pursed her lips while he deeply exhaled, raking his fingers through his hair.

" I just can't take the pain anymore, h-he can't take the pain anymore and I-it's driving me insane to see him like this". He whimpered his words while Marleni sarcastically chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

" Wow you must really care about your friend Ray, huh?" Leni rose her brows as her words made Craig's heart to pick up speed.

"You have no idea."


"Okay, spill."


At the moment I was absolutely a wreck sitting at my kitchen table while Mi Mama sat across.

She held nothing but curiosity and dominance in her voice while her face read "I-dare-you-to-lie-to-me" look.

Okay Jacob time to play innocent and dumb founded son.

Immediately I pouted my bottom lip and widened my eyes.

" Spill what mom?" I spoke in my high adorable voice while my mothers face didn't faze what so ever.

"Jacob". She repeated, crossing her arms that was pressed against her chest.

"Yes". I whispered lowly, sucking my bottom lip.

" Why did I come home this morning from the airport to see a complaint note on our door." She growled, squinting her eyes as she suddenly slammed the small piece of paper on the table.

Okay so MAYBE I seen the note when I walked Chresanto out the door this morning, and MAYBE I know the reason for the complaint and MAYBE I ignored the pink piece of paper at the time.

But hey I said MAYBE


" I dunno."

I shrugged carelessly while my mom sighed, her eyes scanning over the note as she began to sarcastically read it out loud.

" Dear Perez's,

I was just asking if you could please try to keep the noise down next time, all the commotion was really effecting our sleeping time, my family could barely get rest last night from all the screams and moans that were coming from your house"

Oh no she didn't >.>

"The screams were slightly terrifying my children and had me a little worry and also debating on wether or not if I should have called the police to make sure everything was okay"

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