I Have A Propisition For You

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"What up Chres?" I dapped up my boy Ray as we both stood on the stairwell.

Students rushly began to pass by to get to their classes while Ray and I leaned on the railing.

"Ehhh, nothing much bro". I shrugged nonchantly while Ray nodded his head.

"You know coach is looking for you, rite?"

He raised his brows while I Sighed, "I was just heading down to his office." I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling slightly nervous.

I swear, I hate Coach G, he's always giving me a hard time.

I mean, im the captin of the football team so you would expect for me to get special treatment, but nooooooo.

The late bell suddenly rang, making me exit out of my thoughts.

"Ight, I'll catch up with you later bro." I slapped Rays hand while he smirked, "Good luck Santo." He chuckeled slightly, making me roll my eyes as I turned my back to him, rushing down the stairs to ground level.

I was now in the basement as my eyes landed onto the doors of the pool room, then the locker room which was rite next door to it, and lastly Coach G's room, which was across from the two.

I loudly exhaled while running my hands through my short black curls.

"And let the bullshit begin." I nervously bit onto my bottom lip while walking up to the brown wooden door that read "Coah G's Office" in print black.

Quickly twisting the door knob I strolled inside, immediately seeing Coach sitting behind his desk, hands folded together as his eyes were narrowed on me.

"Second bell rang, your late August." He spoke in a tone that made me gulp.

"Sit".My eyes followed his voice to the black leather chair that was placed a few feet infront of his desk.

I hurriedly went and took a seat, sitting with my feet pigeon toed, my shoes automaticlly turn in, its just a natrual habit I have when I get nervous.

Coach G abruptly cleared his throat while glaring me hard. "As you know Chres, you've been playing for my team for four years now." He stated while I nodded my head, "This is your senior year, and I expect for you to take the team to the state championships". He spoke sternly while suddenly pausing, " But I dont think thats gonna happen this year."

He said these sudden words that made my brows furrow.

"W-w-what?" I stuttered while slightly tilting my head to the side.

Coach G's face softened as he blew out a breath, "I can no longer have you on my team August, your grades this past semester have not been living up to school requirements."

He unfolded his hands while leaning back in his chair.

I sarcasticlly chuckeled,"Y-y-you cant be serious Coach." My face was scrunched as Coach G shrugged, "Im sorry Chres".

I felt my blood begin to get hot as my hands grasped the arms of my chair.

"So you expect for me to just sit back and watch the team loose the chance of going to nationals?" My teeth gritted together as coach cocked his brow, "That, ooorrrrr, you need to find someone to help bring your grades up".

I blew out an annoyed huff while standing up from my seat, heading to the door.

"Bye August." Coach yelled to me as I replied back, "Nice talking to you Coach G". I angrily slammed the door shut as my back slumped against its surface.

"Ughh, what am I gonna do". I sighed stubborningly while closing my eyes. How the hell am I gonna find a tutor to help me with my grades.

I mean all the tutors here are girls, and I done already fucked 75% of them.

I shook my head while opening my eyes, "Im completly and utterly fucked." I palmed my forehead, "Karmas a bicth".

I sinked my front teeth into my bottom lip as I rolled my eyes, quickly I headed over towards the stairwell and jogged up the stairs.

I dont know why but my body just wouldnt calm down, I-i felt like I needed to take my anger out on something.

I opened the door to the entry of the second floor, immediately a smirk crept onto my lips.

"Or someone". My eyes were on Jacob as I watched him put his stuff away into his locker.

Seems like its the perfect time to have some "fun" with my buddy.

I bit onto my lip in excitement as I strolled over towards him, he was completly unaware that I now stood directly behind his body since his head was stuffed into his locker, probably searching for something.

I smiled genuinley while taking a few feet closer to him, his slightly arched back pressed to my chest as the back of his shoes were squished to the front of mines.

Jacob immediately paused in curiosity. "Who the fu-".

I fastly cut him off by my hand gripping his soft black curls on his head.

"Shut up Perez". I groweled lowly, as the top of his head immediately banged onto the roof of his locker.

Jake whimpered in pain while I chuckeled, snaking my other hand to his waist.

Jacobs body shivered under my touch, I smirked from his reaction.

I love how I have control over Jacob, I fucking adore the way I can make him afraid and his skin shiver & whimper against me.

I suddenly herd Jacob release a breath, while beginning to stutter.

"C-chres, I-I have to get t-to class." His nervous words immediately brightened my mood. My thoughts suddenly began to settle on the things Coach told me moments ago.

"You need to find someone to help bring your grades up."

I solmenly wet my lips with tongue, as my grip on Jakes curls grew harder, making him groan.

"Oh, Imma let you get to class." I gritted my teeth while my eyes traveled down to the position I had Jacob in.

His back was now more arched down as his bum was firmly pressed to my waist.

The sight almost made me moan rite then and there.

I slithered my free hand further down his waist, clutching the hem of his jeans.

I herd Jacobs breaths turn into hard pants while I paused my fingers from trailing down any further.

"But first Perez". My voice lowered, "I have a propisition for you."




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