All I Ask

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My front teeth sinked deep into my bottom lip as Chres's fingers lingered up my hips, shivers ran up my spine while his hands abruptly stopped at the nape of my neck, slightly touching my curls.

"Ready to have some fun buddy". Chresanto whispered with a chuckle while I didnt respond back. Instead, my eyes dropped from his, onto my fidgiting hands.

I herd Chres suck his teeth as he suddenly gripped my curls, forcing my head to bang and tilt upon the wall.

Immediately I hissed in pain.

"I said are you Ready." Chresanto repeated again, in a demanding tone.

My eyes closed in fustration. "Yesss". I groweled while Chres chuckeled.

Im such a fuckin punk -_-

I sighed wearily as Chresanto began to speak to me again.

"Look at me." He groweled lowly as I obeyingly squinted my eyes.

My breath hitched in my throat as I noticed his face was rite infront of mines, he sat up on his knees, my position still the same as I sat on the ground, back against the cold wall.

"Your nothing." He spatted in a hiss, making a frown grow deeper on my lips.

Chres then suddenly then began to lower his face to the side of mines.

A deep sigh escaped my mouth as his lips began to softly tickle my neck.

"You'll never be anything Perez, never, I swear." He chuckeled while the grip he had on my curls tightened, immediately I whimpered in pain.

"I get sick everytime I see your face, so sick, I puke, your just so fuckin..." He puased while exhaling a breath.

Dont say it, dont say it, dont say it, dont you dare say that word..

"Worthless". Chresanto luaghed loudly as I bit my lip, "Fuck". Tears immediatley began to glisten in my eyes while I began to think about my farther.

That was the last fuckin thing he said to me before he left me and my mother, he just looked me dead in the eyes and said, I was worthless, worthless to the world, worthless to everything and anybody that I encounter in my life.

My lips began to suddenly tremble as I watched Chres stand up, roughly he pulled my hair, making me get up along with him.

A smirk plastered across his face as soon as he noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Aww dont cry Perez". Chresanto spoke sarcastically as he halfed smiled, I huffed out an annoyed breath. I swear, I just cant wait, I repeat, I cant WAIT til all of this bullshit is over.

"Mi mama pleasee I dont want to talk about it". I yelled loudly while shutting my room door, my mothers voice echoed within the walls.

I blew raspberries as my back was pressed against the door, "Ughh". I sighed deeply while I combed my fingers through my wet curls, my body was absolutely soaked cause of Chresanto, from head to toe shivers ran down my red shaded skin.

I gulped tireingly as my mind began to think about the events that happened earlier.

After basiclly watching me drown to my deaf for a straight five minutes, Chres jumped  in the water and pulled me out laughing nonstop while I coughed up big amounts of water up my throat.

My eyes were still stinging from the bleached water.

"Now wasnt that fun". Chresanto softly hit my cheek twice as he smirked while I just glared back.He snickered under his breath, "By buddy". Was the last words he spoke while he gave me a devioulish wink, picked up his shirt and shoes and left me in the pool room to cry.

I stubborningly kissed my teeth while quickly beginning to strip out of my wet clothes. I pray to god, I really, really pray that he sends me someone or soemone out of my life, "just" to make it easier for me.

Thats all I ask.........

Okay so next chapter things for Jacob will go good and bad, but first off THANK YOU TO ALL MY READERS WHO LIKE MY BOOK, IM TRYING REALLY HARD ON, THANK YOU TO MY NEW FANS AND THE COMMENTS ^_^

PEACE & LOVE -Imaginingmb-

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