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"Head up Mr.Perez". Mrs. Savion yelled across the classroom making me groan in annoyance.

I barely gotten any sleep last night because of Chres.

And no we didn't have sex, not yet anyways.

I just didn't feel comfortable doing thing, I don't want our relationship to be to rushed. But yesterday was defiantly an amazing night, sex or not Chres was surely making this Mexican feel pleased. A small smirk crept on my lips as I began to think more about the events that occured the previous night, but as quickly as that smirk came, it left.

"I said head up Perez." The ugly pendejo repeated her demand once again.


Releasing a low stubborn sigh, I tieringly rose my head off of the surface of my brown wooden desk and scoweled at Mrs.Savion as she began to write the homework on the board.She's actually writing that shit like anyone besides me is gonna do it.

Cocky or not, I DON'T play around when it comes to my grades.

"Okay class the bell is gonna ring any minute now so-"


"Thank god". I mumbled while standing up and grabbing my stuff.


"You ready for practice today Santo." Ray asked me as him,Craig and I all walked down the hallway.

I jokingly shrugged in return, "Of course, why wouldn't I be"? I slowly licked my lips as we turned the corner making my heart beat to suddenly pick up its pace.

"Ayye look Chres, its your buddy!" Craig sarcasticlly yelled forcing Jacob who was at his locker to turn his head, "Yea". I lowly croaked out, never taking my eyes off of the person who stole my heart and soon my innonce.

"Havent messed with Perez in a while." Ray spoke with a smirk on his face as he watched Jacob quickly walk by us, his books pressed tightly against his chest.

I did not like the way that nigga said that.

"Hmmp, hows about we go have some fun with your "Buddy" this free period," Ray mumbled not even waiting for a reply as he began to follow Jacob.

"Fine with me". Craig's voice suddenly filled the tensing air as he quickly mimicked Rays actions.

Oh god, if my heart wasnt racing before, its definantly racing now, nervously tucking my bottom lip behind my teeth  I quickly follwed after Jacob as well, knowing I'll regret these upcoming events.

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