Its Not My Fault

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"I'm sorry". Was the first words Ray said while we stood in the empty locker room.

"I don't know what was wrong with me, I'm so sorry Santo, and I just really hope you can accept my apology and we can become friends again."

After taking in Rayana words, laughs immediately escaped from my mouth.

"And you expect me to believe this becauseee".

I sarcastically pouted my bottom lip as Ray sighed.

"Because your my friend". He ran his hand down his face while I groaned.

"Wrong ray, I WAS your friend". I hissed immediately making rayan's eyes to roll.

"What you did to Jacob was absolutely wrong, I'll probably never forgive you for that shit I can't even forgive myself for bullying him, you have no IDEA what he goes through, you have no idea how innocent he is, how nice of a person he is, how beautiful his personality or heart is".

I paused from my speech with a chuckle.

"Why the fuck am I even taking time out of my day to speak to you while I can be with him". I lazily shook my head as I began to walk over towards the door but immediately I was stopped by Rays loud voice.

"IT'S NOT MY FUALT CHRESANTO"! Rayan yelled at me forcing my exit to come to a halt, since I turned around from curiosity.

"Whats not your fualt"? I mumbled scrunching my brows as Ray stayed silent.

"Huh Ray? You herd me, what do you mean by "it's not my fualt".?" I flexed my fingers giving my words air quotations as I walked over towards him.

Still no response.

"Oh don't act all big by yellin and talkin shit earlier and suddenly get quiet when I ask a question". Sarcasm dripped from my voice as I walked more closer to Rayan, close enough to the point where his back was against the wall.

And he still didn't say anything.

God, he's really pissing me off now!

"FUCK RAY! YOU EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU AND YOU CAN'T EVEN ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION"! I yelled with pure again as Ray's nostrils immediately flurred, his fists bawled tightly, tears formed in his eyes as he suddenly screamed in my face.

"IT'S NOT MY FUALT THAT IM IN LOVE WITH YOU"! He yelled through a shaken voice, his hands immediately un tightened as he suddenly grabbed my chin and forced his lips on mines......

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