Afro Kid

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Fuck it

- Imaginingmb -


"WELL AS YOU ALL KNOW OUR ANUAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME IS TODAY "! I glanced around the cafe as it filled with hollers and cheers, "AND AS YOUR CAPTAIN OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM IT IS A TRADITION TO HAVE HIS GIRL WEAR HIS JACKET AROUND SCHOOL THE DAY OF THE GAME"! I fastly rubbed my hands together while inhaling, taking a quick pause.

"But the reason why I asked for all your attention is to inform you that tradition will be broken this year." I slightly mumbled immediately receiving gasps and confused looks.

Slowly bringing my eyes onto Jacobs, I carefully began to take my arms out of my unified jacket , " The tradition will be different because I won't be giving it to a girl ".

My heart pounded in triple speed as I licked my trembling lips, forcing all my weight onto my right knee I kneeled down on top of the table so me and Jacob were eye level.

"I-I'm giving it to the boy I-I love". My speech was all over the place while my hands began to shake controllably.

"Afro kid Jacob Perez".

I slightly chuckled while ignoring everyone around except for the curly headed boy who's eyes were filled with tears..............

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