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"I have yet to understand, why you still touter me?"

I whined out, sulking my bottom lip as my eyes never left Jacobs interesting interior.

At the moment, the two of us were in the back of the "seemingly-abandoned-library", our books sprawled out while we began to get some work done.


Let me rephrase that.

"While Jake began to get some work done..."

Me other the hand, uhh, I TRIED to get my work done.

It's not that I'm purposely not trying, it's just that I-I don't understand a thing!

It was all just completely confusing to me, I was utterly lost in all my classes and I swear to you its not my fualt.


If it wasn't for Perez, coach G wouldn't even have let me played in the championship game.

Y'all remember the little "lecture" he gave me a while back about my grades..


Talk about stressed -.-


Jacobs sudden whisper caught me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

Oh how I wish the two of us could just escape and be free from reality..

"Yea"? I sighed out, my eyes trailing over his frame.

He looked so focused right now, with his dark curly hair tied up into a pointy tail, his big black squares lensed glasses resting on the bridge of his noise, WHILE he reasoningly wore my varsity jacket.

Hmmp, there's no denying it, my papi loves me.

Yup be jealous, I know your ass is salty >.>

"What's wrong"? Jacob spoke with sudden concern while his face read curiosity.

Immediately my brows met as my lips stiffened, "there's nothing wrong Jake".

I said with reassurance, shrugging my shoulders with out a care.

Immediately he sighed.

Damn, he knows me to we'll, whether I'm telling the truth or not.

"Santo, I know you to damn well to figure out when you're telling the truth and not".

K.............. >.>



I frowned from his words while feeling warmth suddenly on my shaking hand, "Pleasee, you can tell me". Jacob begged with a pout, softly massaging my palm with his thumb.


"I-It's just," I bit my lip, eyes dropping to my lap in embarrassment, "I don't understand a-anything".....

God, he's probably thinking I'm the stupidest person he's ever met.


Probably regretting even going out with me since I had no type of intelligence.

"You're wrong Chres".

Shit, did I say that out loud?!

"Yes papi, you're thinking out loud". Jacob chuckled, revealing that beautiful smile of his while I blushed from my actions.

"Gosh, you're so cute". Jake shook his head while inter lacing his fingers with mines, our hands locked.

"Is my cuteness the only reason why you love me". I wiggled my brows with a smirk as Jake shook his head.

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