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"Ayee Santo, you ight man"? My fellow teammate Jerry asked me as us and others were in the locker room packing our stuff away. 

His words caused me to sigh heavily while I zipped up my duffel bag. 

Is it that obvious?

"Yeah man, just dont feel good." I lied in response, my body standing fully up from my seat on the brown wooden bench. 

The same brown wooden bench I made Jacob scream in pleasure on.


"Oh, okay, juss makin sure Chres, cause you seemed a little off on the field today."

I reluctantly exhaled while nodding my head in return, slowly I began to tread my body to the door, exiting out the sweat-stenched room.


"Shit Jacob!, Chres will be home any minute." Marleni yelled in fustration, making me kiss my teeth in annoyance. 

Even juss hearing that bastards name pisses me off. 

(and turns me on -_- ) 

"So". I mumbled nonchantly, emphasizing my point.

"So?!" Her tone was in the level of disbeliefe. 

"We have to get dress Papi." Marleni exclaimed while pressing the silk red sheet closer to her bare chest. 

I just rolled my eyes in response, my temper slightly rising as my thoughts were uncontrollably on Chresanto. 

"I'll be rite back." I groaned wearily while rising my body off the messy matress, my calvin klien boxers hanged lowly on my hips as I walked my nearly exposed self out the room.


"Marleni"! I called out in the silence filled home as I closed and locked the front door.

I was tired as hell, exhuasted as hell, and scared as hell.

A deep gulp of air traveled down my suddenlh dry throat as my eardrums took in the weird noises coming from the kitchen area.

"Marleni"? I mumbled in confusion, scrunching my brows while treading towardsthe sounds, only to make me moan from the sight.

"J-j-jacob". My duffel bag dropped out of my unclasped hands as my body immediately grew hot from the figure that stood before me.

In return from my words, Jacob cockily smirked.

Which in an instance my mind knew that ment trouble. 


My heart was in trouble

My mind was in trouble

And by the looks of him slowly traveling his hand down inside of his boxers


My body was in trouble to.......

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