Private Lessons PT.1

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I waited impatiently in the library, fingers drumming against the table while my eyes were searching for Chres. We agreed we would meet eachother here after school, but I guess he took the term "after school" a different way cause I've been sitting here for more than forty minutes and he still hasnt shown up.

I sighed wearily while tossing my curls back, m-maybe something came up, he said he would be here, he woudlnt just lie like that after we made a deal.

I pouted my bottom lip while huffing, eyes on the door showing nobody entering. Just when I thought we were becoming friends.

I kissed my teeth as I shook my head, "that asshole." I mumbled under my breath, standing up from seat and grabbing my things.

Quickly and furiously I pulled my bag on my shoulders and began to walk to the exit.

"That fucking asshole." I hissed through clenched teeth as I brung my hand to the door handle, quickly swinging it open to only be face to face with a rushing chresanto. Really -__-

"Sorry Im late." Chres mumbled with low pants.

My eyes slowly took in his appreance, a pen in his mouth while his shirt was half tucked in as his bag was barely hanging on his shoulder.

"Forgot, I had football practice." He gave me an apologetic face while I blankly stared back."Chres, If you didnt want to study today all you had to say was not today, instead of having me sit in this libary waitng for you, l-like some fucking idiot." I narrowed my eyes while Chresantos face scrunched, "I-i said I was sorry Pere-". I immediatley cutted him off by placing my hand in the air, "J-Just stop, just stop."  I shook my head while facing my eyes to the floor, "Im leaving", I softly whispered beginning to walk away  but was soonly stopped since Chres grabbed my arm."Wait". He spoke in a pleading tone.

I huffed in annoyance, bringing my pupils to his, agreeing to listen to what he had to say, "At least let me give you your swimming lessons today, I mean, Its not to late to do that." Chresanto rubbed the back of his neck as he bit his lip nervously.

"I-i guees." I exhaled deeply while Chres smirked from my words, slowly sliding his hand down to mines while he begn to drag me down to the hall.

"Your first private lessons  with sexy mentor Chresanto". He spoke excitingly as he wiggeled his brows while I tryed my best not to smile.

Bringing his body to the side of mines, Chres rested his arm on my shoulder, smiling widely since I didnt protest, hmm I have a feeling lessons with him wont be that bad................

Me and Cres suddenly then approached the black double doors to the stair well as the both of us began to walk down to the basement,

"And oh" Chres suddenly spoke out while he held the locker room door open for me, suddenly making me puase in the door way so we was face to face, "Yeah". I mumbled out nonchantly.

Chresanto slowly then licked his lips as he began to move his face closer to mines, forcing my eyes to widened since our lips were inches apart, "Dont have any fears Perez". He blew out a sigh, making his minty breath to travel up my nose, "I'll go easy on you." Chres's voice was deep while his eyes were narrowed on me, his facial expression serious.

I deeply gulped while my knees felt like they were going weak, "O-okay". I stuttered, my mind racing with thoughts as only one remained intently.What the fuck did I just get myself into..................

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