The Great Kirstein

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August 29, 2020

The next morning you awoke, feeling like someone was watching you. Your eyes fluttered open, and upon rolling over Sasha - who you had literally known less than 24 hours - was standing way too close to where your head lay. "You're awake!" She sang out. Her face was so close to your own that you could smell her morning breath.

You groaned in response, scooting just a bit away from her. However, she inched her face closer to yours, eyes beelining to your neck. A wandering finger meet your skin, delicately pressing into the side of it. "..woah..." She spoke to herself, as she examined the hickies left from the night before. "These are fuckin' huge."

You groaned again. It was too early for this.

"Who left them?" She quizzed, finally taking a step back from the bed. Her arms crossed over her chest, her eyebrows raised.

"I don't like to kiss and tell." You face flushed at the events of the night before, and you pulled up your covers to hide your face. This was embarrassing right now.

"Not just a kiss..." If her eyebrows could go any higher, they did as she prodded more of the story out of you.

"Huh?" You questioned, pulling the covers down to show her the look of confusion on your face.

"You told us when you came back downstairs." Her arms uncrossed and a hand went to cover her mouth as a giggle escaped it. "You know, that you just hooked up with someone in the bathroom. It was kinda obvious though, not only did you smell like it but your hair was a wreck."

"Oh god..." You tucked your face under the blanket once again, just up to your mouth. Your eyes peaked out, still looking at her. This was getting worse.

"So....who was it? Was he big? Was he good?" Animated with her movements, she spit out question after question. "Oh my god, I have so many questions!" And she did, Sasha had way too many. Too many for your hung over self to respond to, or even comprehend.

"No...No questions." This was too much, you were hungover and overwhelmed. Your head was not having it.

"What!?" She gasped, face pouting at your rejection. "Please, please, pleaaaaase?" She begged you, hands waving up and down in a prayer like motion. "I'll do anything you want! Pleassssse?"

"Absolutely not, I barely even remember it. Or him." This was a lie, an ugly one. You remembered every second of the encounter with the tall boy. You remembered his name, his lips, his size - you remembered it all. Especially the way that he nipped at your skin and even more so the feeling of him pounding himself into you.

Yeah, there was no way you were telling her any of that, you just met this girl.

"Ugh, no fun." Her face twisted down in defeat, and for a second you felt bad. You thought for a moment that maybe you should share, just a little bit. For good measure, right? You were never the best at making friends. 

"He was..." you started, and her whole body perked up. "He was good." Mumbling out the compliment you rolled over to face the wall once again. Your cheeks were burning from the memory.

"Aha!" She yelped, you felt a rumble through your bed as Sasha jumped up. "I knew you remembered!"

"...that's all you get out of me."

"Oh you'll tell me more, I know you will." She was confident you would. Sasha always was able to get people to spill secrets, could she keep them? No, but she could collect them.

You grumbled out some sounds, turning to face her once again. "My head hurts." You admitted, the throbbing of your hangover getting worse each and every second you spent awake.

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