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Nov 22, 2021

Everyone was pissing you off.

It wasn't just Sasha at this point, it was every human you lived with and every human you saw. Mikasa ticked you off in the morning, when she made a comment about you just drinking coffee for breakfast. Historia and Ymir were both showering on the second floor shower, so Annie had used the third floor's which mean that you couldn't shower before class. Thus pissing you off, thus infuriating you beyond belief.

Armin ticked you off when he picked you up, and that was because of instead of his sweet and kind morning gestures he was silent the entire ride to class. Only saying a good morning to you, before turning up his music. And when you tried to talk to him, he only hummed back in response.

Which was god awful, because you now had Armin Arlert on your bad side - and that never ended well for anyone.

After class you texted Jean to see if he was around, and maybe he could be the one to cheer you up - but he had to do something for his stupid fucking fraternity, which yet again pissed you off.

And you know what? Maybe you were being overly sensitive, and maybe you were acting like a bitch - but at the end of the day you can't control how you feel. And today you felt angry, and that anger extended to the entire world.

And no, it wasn't the end of the world that Jean had a frat thing. You admired him a way for his dedication and his support within the community. It's just that his presence always made you feel better lately, and you really needed that today.

So to soothe your anger, you walked home from campus - dealing with the harsh winds of the day. The cold sting of the weather hitting your face was therapeutic in a way. It was a crisp fall day, and the world around you was slowly decaying into it's winter aesthetics. Your campus was full of leaves, which had now lost their vibrant fall colors and had just turned into brown mushy piles. The only thing that could fix the view was a snowfall, yet it was too early in the year for that - as it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet.

But you took like a champ, and used it to get the anger out of you.

That was only until you got home. Where there the cake was iced with horrible tasting frosting. Canned frosting, but expired, moldy and a color that shouldn't exist. As your peeved body walked in the always open door - Connie Springer was hanging out with Sasha on the couch - and blasting through the speaker was this stupid fucking tiktok sound that he was obsessed with.

Whopper whopper whopper whopper.

And oh my god, was it annoying. And in it's infinite stupidity - it was fucking catchy. And before he had the chance to say hello, as he was belting it out, you were up the stairs and in your room. With the song stuck in your head.

Junior double triple whopper.

Fuck you Connie. Fuck you.

All you wanted to do was smoke a bowl, but alas - you couldn't even do that as it shattered to pieces last night. So you did the only thing you knew to do, and that was to take a fat nap. So you shedded off your clothes, and crawled into bed - wrapping yourself in your multitude of blankets.

When you woke up you were less angry at the world.

Nap's truly can cure many of things. And since you were better rested, and your head was more clear than when you woke up this morning, you were able to process everything so much better.

Respectfully, an Absolute MessWhere stories live. Discover now