Hickies from the Girl

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October 16, 2021

Jean's POV

"Yo, Porco!" Connie's shrill voice echoed around the almost empty kitchen. It was scarce of people, except for a dirty blonde who stood caging his arms around a girl, her back pressed up against the countertop. 

Jean couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight. 

Porco turned his head to the tiro. "Springer." He growled as he dropped his arms. "The hell you want, i'm kinda busy right now." He nodded at the girl, who sheepishly smiled at the three boys. 

Connie dramatically clasped his hands together, giving them a quick rub like a mosquito before it bites. "We have a proposition for you."

"Not interested baldy." 

Connie elbowed Marco, and the freckled boy then began to speak. "If you let us use your bong, I'll smoke you out." Marco patted the navy blue backpack that hung over his shoulder. This magic bag contained his grinder, jars of weed, and little bags of other stuff in it. Harder stuff. He was a walking pharmacy.

"Yeah?" Porco turned to face the boys.

"Yeah man, I can't pass up the chance to use that baby again. Not many people have a 3 foot bong, and you keep her so fucking clean." Marco warmly continued, buttering him up.

"I know, it's pretty cool isn't it." Porco had now taken a step away from the girl and crossed his arms over his chest. A smug grin tugged at his lips, the boy loving the attention. Especially in front of the girl he was trying to woo.

Jean remained away from the conversation. Not wanting to say something to rile Connie up, or say anything that would mess up Marcos strategic words. The plan for the night was to butter up the Football boy, and in doing so Porco would hopefully allow them to smoke out of his very expensive bong. This plan was brought to the table by Connie; however, devised by Jean and Marco. Connie was not a very successful schemer.

"What do you say?" Marco cocked his head to the side, flashing Porco a charming smile.

Porco took a few more seconds to ponder the proposition, but then held his hand out. "I'm fucking down with that." And so he dapped Marco up, and the deal was made.

He told the girl that he would be right back, and then as the boys headed on upstairs he started to blab on and on about his smoking habits. Marco walked next to him, shooting the shit as one may say, with matched excitement. Anything drug related got him exhilarated.

Jean tuned them out, mindlessly following them up the stairs. The only thing going through his mind was the conversation he had with Marco this morning.

"You know if you don't make a move soon, Eren's gonna swoop in." Marco, from his seated position at his desk, spoke up to Jean who sat atop his friends bed. The freckled boy was hunched over, tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration of what he was doing. He was focusing on creating thin lines of white substance on top of his phone screen.

The words that came from Marco make Jean choke out loud, a gross inhuman sounding gurgle, as he sputtered over his own saliva; "Dude what?" Jean exhaled, the sudden switch in conversation causing an anxious feeling to bubble in his body.

Marco let out a single laugh, taking the dollar bill he had tightly rolled up, and swiftly he went across his phone screen with it pressed up inside his nose. A finger pushed down on his other nostril to close it off. When he was done with the first line, he leaned back in the chair, lips parted and eyes staring up at the cracked white ceiling. "You heard me correctly." He closed his eyes, taking in the rush.

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