Parenthesis, Eren, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction

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November 23, 2021

cw: s m u t

The sound of a door slamming open had you stirring in your bed, eyes open wide from the noise. Accompanied was an, "I'm so fucking mad at you right now!" And then your body was sitting straight up, staring at the man who had barged into your room.

It was dark in the room, eerily so. Quickly you leaned over flicking your bedside table lamp on. Giving the room the light you needed to make out who was standing in front of you. Although you could tell by his figure who it was.

You locked eyes with Eren, who was glaring at you with absolutely no remorse for his barbaric actions. His usually happy, sparkling green eyes were hooded with dark grey specks emphasizing his animosity. He was mad mad.

"You skipped class and you couldn't even text me back?" He yelled. You could hear the hurt in his voice. "Come on, I had to fucking ask Mikasa if you were alive and I came by after class last night to check on you and you weren't even fucking here!"

You sat up, still blinking yourself awake. You had fucked up.

"Colt came over to us after and asked how you were feeling, he told us you were sick. We lied for you, Connie came in clutch with that." Eren made his was over to your window, throwing his hands up in the air as he stared out. It was still dark out, the sun hand't even began to peek at the horizon line. Which meant that it had to be earlier than 7 am. What the hell was Eren doing up this early? "Made up this whole story about you getting food poisoning and yakking all over the place, so you're lucky his brain exists. I wouldn't have lied, since you never told me you were just going to skip."

You smirked. "Did he really use the term yak?"

"It's Connie." Eren turned to look at you. "Of course he did." His level of sass was too high for how early it was. "That's not the point though, the point is that you skipped." A finger was pointed at you. "I worked like a dog to help you out, and you skipped. And you know what? I don't give a single shit that you skipped."

"Why are you so upset then 'Ren?" You blinked more, hands coming up to rub your tired eyes. "It looks like it's early." You mumbled softly, glancing over at the window he was just staring out. A pout on your face, waking up early was not fun.

Eren frowned. "Don't call me that right now" He looked away, annoyed that even when he was this mad at you, a simple word could make him feel a great sense of remorse. 'Ren, plus your early morning voice had him weak at the knees. You were so cute when you woke up. But he was mad at you. "I'm upset because you didn't tell me." He spoke softly, his fit of rage now gone. "I was worried about you."

The look on his face. The solemn expression he wore - one of betrayal - hurt. "I'm sorry."

He didn't accept it. "All you needed to do was send me a text. That's it. Problem solved."

"I said I'm sorry." You repeated yourself.

"How hard is it to text someone that you're okay? It's like-" He paused to count on his fingers. "-four letters if you don't use proper grammar or punctuation." He held up four fingers on his left hand, staring through them at you.

You sat up, not straight though. You had started to hunch your back, hiding your body in embarrassment of what you had done. He was right. It wasn't hard. "I'm sorry."

"I don't need a half-assed apology." He spoke softly. "I just want you to know that what you did hurt."

You looked down. "I know it hurt."

Respectfully, an Absolute MessWhere stories live. Discover now