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November 11, 2021

"You know, it really pisses me off that Ackerman likes you better than me." Marco was stuffing a notebook back into his backpack, huffing the words out under his breath. He was trying to keep his voice down, so the man at the front of the room wouldn't hear. 

"Maybe you should participate more." You half whispered back, packing up your own stuff.

He scoffed, "Too much effort."

"See." You jabbed him with your elbow. "That's why he likes me better." 

"I think everyone just likes you." Marco smiled, underneath his freckled face was signs of a light blush. "You're a good presence." His hand patted your head, and you looked up at him with a scowl on your face - Not appreciating being treated like a dog.

His hand dropped after a few solid pats, and you and your friend stood up from where you sat, heading toward the door. Before you and him left, Ackerman stopped you with your name. 

"I need those papers signed by the end of day tomorrow."

You stuck up two finger guns at the man. "I'll get it to you by the morning." Then you shot them at him, awkwardly moving your body around.

He stared at your movements, judging you. You slowly lowered your arms, mortified. 

"Good." Was what he said back, and then went back to grading the pile of papers on his desk. 

Marco slung a loose arm around you shoulder pulling you to his side as you walked outside the classroom. To anyone, you probably looked like a couple from the gesture. But this was typical for Marco to do. He was very touchy feely. 

"That was the worst thing I've ever seen." He laughed out.

"Don't remind me of my choices." You covered your face in your hands. "I shot him fingers guns, Marco, finger guns."

"Oh I know. I witnessed it." Marco's face twisted up, his lips twitching in a polite grimace. "We should void the memory by smoking at my place." 

You hesitated for a moment, wanting to go but also knowing it might not be the best thing. "Marco..." You looked up at the boy with soft eyes.

He rolled his entire head around. "Oh C'mon, it's just weed." 

You shrugged him off of you. "This whole California Sober thing is worrying me." You expressed. 

Marco laughed back, shrugging his backpack up higher on his shoulders. "It's hard to quit cold turkey. I've been smoking for so long, I find it hard to function without it. You know what thats like." He tacked on, harshly. 

You frowned, understanding all too well where he was coming from. You felt the same, however as the weeks passed you found yourself smoking less and less. Still once a day, as when you didn't your brain felt off. 

"Just... when you smoke Marco, do it with someone else." You didn't want him smoking alone, especially in his current state. "Please." You added more quietly. You didn't want it to sound like you were lecturing the boy, he had probably had enough of that this past week.

"That's why I asked you to come over." He reached his pointer finger forward, tapping the center of your forehead. "Duh." 

You swatted him away. "Fuck off."

"Oh, you love me."

Once at his car he drove the two of you to his apartment. 

You always thought it was weird that Marco had always lived alone, as a freshman he had a single. But as you got closer to the boy you found out his family was exorbitantly wealthy, so dishing out money to provide him with what he wanted for his education was never a problem. 

Respectfully, an Absolute MessWhere stories live. Discover now