Chapter 2

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Jayden POV lmao:'

'Jayden , my dare is: I want you to hug Danny.'' Tobey smirked. I looked at him disgusted. 

''What?!'' I nearly screamed at him. No way, never. 

''Hey! That is a dare and you must obey it. You've lost.'' Tobey said angry. Dylan sat there and didn't want to barge in the fight, instead he walked away. Tobey forced Jayden to hugg Danny, but he always got in response a no. Tobey sighed and gave up. 

''Man, you can't even accept the fact you lost, c'mon its just a hug. If you won't hug, that will mean you're a loser yk.'' Tobey glared at Jayden. Jayden sighed and didn't give any response back. Jayden turned around to find Danny. He was him on the football court playing with his friendgroup. There is no way he could hug him right there and now. Atleast he didn't want to. 

Tobey was still glaring at Jayden to go and give Danny a hug. Jayden rolled his eyes and went to the football court. He saw on the corner of his eyes Lisa watching him.  He runned to the football court and joined them. Tobey sighed and watched them play. He really isn't listening to him.

The bell rang (RRR) and the match was over. Danny's team won and they all high-fived eachother. Lisa cheered for them and runned to Danny. Jayden sighed in defeat again. 'Can't believe I'm really gonna do this.' He looked at the sitting chairs, but Tobey had already left. He looked back at Danny. Lisa was almost choking Danny with her hug. Once Lisa letted go off, I sighed once more and runned from behind him. I closed my eyes and gave him a tight hug. 

''Wha...'' He said while turning around just when I letted him go and ran away.  I didn't even dare to look back at his face. 'Disgusting...' 

Danny's POV (wooo):

'What..the....'  Danny thought. Jaydrone laughed it off and Lisa looked digusted. I awkwardly laughed with Jaydrone and looked. He turned again and saw Jayden nowhere to be seen. 'He probably went inside' Danny thought while walking back. NICOLE was outside waiting for everyone to get in. Danny, still deep in thoughts, went to sit down next to Alan. 

Jayden's POV (sigh): 

Danny came in class and I turned my head to the windows, looking outside and trying to avoid his gaze. 'Where is that stupid AnGay, she never comes late. Ugh just 2 subjects and were done with school. I wanna go home so bad.' 

dannayden !!!!! (aka furry enemies to lovers kind of🥰😍🔥)Where stories live. Discover now