Chapter 19

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Jayden's POV (😼):

"...How dare you talk to your fiancé like that?" The familiar voice said. I still couldn't move and still felt the cold metal touch behind my head. I trembled when the gun slowly went to my neck. I couldn't see who was behind me.

"Don't you dare to move." I fell down on my knees and trembled. 

"Lisa, drop the gun..." I flinched when Danny said her name. Lisa....Her fiancé.....

"And why should I do that?" She said in a low, serious voice. 

"I'll do whatever you want...just...leave Jayden alone..." Danny said desperate. I heard Lisa laugh. 

"That's what you also said last time!" She yelled.

 I whined when I felt the cold gun pressed harder on my neck. I tried to think of a way to get away. 'It's impossible...' I slowly looked around for objects I could use and the nearest object is a piece of glass from the broken window. My hand slowly went to the sharpest and the nearest one without Lisa noticing it.

"Look Lisa, I will do everything if you just drop the gun." 

"Even the contract?" I heard the smirk in her voice. 'What contract? What did Lisa and Danny agree upon?' The sharp glass on my hand began to cut through my flesh. I am so scared.

"Lisa..." Danny trailed off.

"I already know your answer. You don't want to see this disgusting thing die right?" I heard a click sound behind me and I began panicking.

"NO! WAIT! Alright, alright..I--I will--" 

"Good, then come here." Lisa interrupted him. 

I heard footsteps coming closer from behind. My grip on the glass tightened. 'If Lisa hurts Danny, I will kill her...'

"You want to hold on the contract, right? You don't want Jayden to be hurt? Then.." The cold gun that was on my neck left and I heard footsteps walking away. Now was my chance to turn around! I turned around slowly and saw Lisa smiling mischiviously to Danny. Danny was trying his best not to break the eye contact.

Lisa had black clothes on and a ponytail. She looked more different then her usual style in school. She had black gloves and a headband on her head. I looked at my pants and saw blood stains on it. Probably because I gripped too hard on the piece of sharp glass... I shouldn't worry about that now. 

I saw Lisa giving the gun to him. 

"I have back-up guns and plans, so do not dare to shoot me." 

"Why are you giving me this.." Danny asked.

"Hahaha! Why? Hmm......Maybe because I want kill Jayden. Yep, I don't want to make my hands bloody so you do it." 

"WHY SHOULD I DO THAT?!" Danny yelled.

"Or else you would also die. Look, at the end of the story, Jayden is gonna die. I want him dead." Lisa glared at me and laughed. 

"Your father didn't pay me for nothing~" She smirked. Danny's eyes went wide and looked at the ground. 'His dad...?' I was so confused but my eyes were still locked on the gun in Lisa's hand. I wanted to move. To stand up and stab her arm. To grab the gun quickly and shoot her but I know I would never have the guts to try that. 

"I could forgive you in another way too." She smiled. 

"Kiss me and I will forget everything that happend right now." My heart sank. Danny looked at her and sighed. Was he really gonna do that? He walked towards her and Lisa began smirking. Something was off. I glanced at the gun that she was holding. I must make a move! 

I slowly stood up and walked towards them. ' wait, don't! Somethings off.' Lisa couldn't see me and I was relieved. Just when I was about to come close, someone came from behind and pulled my hair. I yelped and dropped the glass piece. I heard Lisa laughing.

"You seriously thought I would come alone?" A pair of strong arms held me back and I couldn't move anymore.

"Lisa, he was almost gonna murder you. Beware a little more you dumbass." I heard Jaydrone talk behind me. No way....he's here too?!

"Look out!" I heard Jaydrone say and then I heard a loud thud. Danny punched Lisa and she fell on the ground. Lisa sighed.

"You bastard..." Jaydrone let me go and ran towards Danny. 

"This time I will win." He swinged a punch at him.

I tried to find a weapon and saw Lisa's gun on the floor. I quickly went to grabbed it. It was heavy. Lisa suddenly grabbed my leg. 

"Let me go!" I yelled at her and pointed the gun. She glared at me and let me go. I quickly stood up. 

"Stop this!" I screamed and all the attention went to me. Danny smiled and Jaydrone backed away. I heard police sirens and I began smiling. 'Finally.' Lisa began cursing and stood up. 

"Get down. NOW!" I demanded and she glared at me. She walked towards me and I began panicking. I heard loud knocking on the door.

"Police! Open up!" My breath began shaking and Lisa came more closer. I was scared. I couldn't shoot. She came closer and whispered:

"Goodnight." I was confused and wanted to back away and aim her but felt suddenly a pain in my stomach. My breath hitched and my eyes widened. I couldn't move and fell on the ground on my knees. 

"Jaydrone, let's go quick!" Lisa and Jaydrone ran away from the backdoor. Danny ignored them and quickly ran to me when he saw my condition. Everything was blurry. I felt a sharp object in my stomach. It hurted...

"Jayden!" I felt arms around me. Danny was infront of me and held me with his other hand my cheek. I held my stomach and then looked at my hand. Blood. Lisa...stabbed me? I saw Danny crying and holding me and polices came in my house along with the doctors from the ambulance. I didn't know what was happening. Danny said something but I couldn't hear him. 

"Ah...What's happening?" My voice cracked and my vision became more blurry. I couldn't breath normal. What was happening? Sounds were fading away and I still held Danny. I tried to hold my eyes open but it was hard. I saw doctors running towards me with those little cars (i forgot those names lmao). Polices are pushing Danny a little bit away for the doctors but Danny was refusing to let me go. 

'Ah...I feel sleepy...'

TBC uwu owo TwT pwp lwl awa bwb xwx zwz mwm vwv cwc 


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