Chapter 9

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Jayden's POV: 

I woke up, feeling something heavy on my chest. 'Hmm...probably the pillow...But a pillow isn't that heavy...urgh...' I tried to open my eyes, but smelled a familiar scent. My eyes jolted open and and looked next to me. 'WHAT?!?! What is he doing here?!? When did he came her??!' I looked up, face flushed, and saw that he still was sleeping. I sighed, 'I told him to not come here. He really doesn't listen huh.' Danny, still snoring, moved a little bit still sleeping. Ugh, I'll get up then. I wanted to get up, until a hand grabbed my arm. 

"Goodmorning, where do you think your going?" Danny said still eyes shut. 'He was this whole time awake?!' I screamed at myself. 

"Downstaires, I'm hungry, let me go now." I replied, trying to stand up again but it was no use. He pulled me back and jumped on me, I was laying on my back while he was up me. My face went red.

"W--what the fuck?!" I said looking away. What is he doing?! It was awkwardly silent 30 seconds, but he laid back down next to me and said: "Let's stay like this for 5 minutes, please?" 

I sighed still looking away. 'What just happend?'(gay happend)

After a whole 10 minutes I finally could go downstaires. I prepared some breakfast for myself and walked to the living room to watch tv. Suddenly my phone called, it was mom. 

"Goodmorning mom, what's wrong?" I said, eating my BROODJE KAAS MET KOMKOMMERS.

"Dear, we are coming home right now, our business trip ended earlier then I thought. Normally it would end tomorrow, but guess what! Haha, your dad got promotion so we can go home early, so today. Make sure the house is clean! And would you mind to make breakfast? Thank you dear." Mom suddenly said.

'What?! Today?! Right now?! But Danny is still here. Guess he needs to go away early.'

"That's great news, mom! I'll make breakfast. See you.." I said and ended the call. 

'Shit, shit, shit.' I ran upstaires and slammed the door open.

"You need to get out n-" I said to shirtless Danny. My whole head went red and slammed the door close again. I heard Danny chuckeling from the other side.

"W--what I was trying to say was y--you need to get out. My parents are cominh home and I didn't know this." Danny opened the door and looked surprised. 

"You want me to" He said, looking dissapointed. I nodded.

"Alright, it was fun staying here, nice house."He said smirking. I thanked him. He grabbed his things and went to the door, I followed him and he putted his shoes on. 

"Hmm... I'll be going now."He said. I nodded irritated. 'Just go already.' He looked back. 

"Not even a goodbye kiss." He said shamelessly. My face heated up again.

"What are you talking about?! Just go already, they might come in any minute." I said looking away. He laughed. 

"That isn't very nice, it is?" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me close to him. 'What the...' My thoughts were interrupted of something warm on my cheek. He pulled away and smirked. 

"Bye bye!" He said closing the door and walking away happily. Me, at the other hand, still shocked and looking at the door. My whole body heated and I yelled WHAT?!?!?!?, probably enough for him to hear outside. I became dizzy and sat down. 

After a few minutes my parents came and I calmed myself down. We ate (material gworl)  and sat down talking. 

Ugh next day becaus the its boring.

I walked to school, trying to forget what happend yesterday. When I arrived, I quickly  searched for Danny. Ofcourse, he is with Lisa again. Why do I feel sad....I shaked my head and went to Dylan, Carlo and Rafael. We talked a bit and all went inside. Tobey came to me and said nothing. I ignored him and sat on my seat.

At class, Tobey always touched my elbow and my feet. It made me mad and I raised my hand to Angay.


"Miss, can I have a new seat? Somewhere else?" I asked, she tought for a minute and decided that everyone will get new seats. I sighed reliefed and listened to her. 

"Alright, you guys can decide with who you sit with. I'll give you all 2 minutes." She shouts. 

Everyone stood up and sat next to their friend. I wanted to sit next to Dylan, but he was already next to Carlo. I turned around for Rafael, but he was sitting with someone else too. I walked backwards and bumped into someone. I turned around to apologize and saw that I bumped for Danny. My heartbeat stopped when I thought about what happend yesterday.

'Dannyyyy, do you want to sit next to meee???" Lisa said. Danny turned and smiled at her.

"Sorry Lisa, I'm already sitting with someone else." He said, I kinda felt dissapointed and turned around to walk away until he grabbed my wrist and walked to our new seats at the back. Lisa furrowed her eyes at me and went back to Sara. I sat next to Danny. Why am I even sitting next to him. I never agreed for this. I sighed. 

"I never agreed to sit next to you."I mumbeld, he probably heard. 

"Why not, it will be fun." He winked. I tried to focus on Angay, but the wink gave me somehow butterflies. 

"ALRIGHT, listen up! Me and Nickole and ofcourse the whole school, agreed to make a schoolball. You can come to the schoolball with or without partner, we don't really care. Everyone will come in suits and dresses (lets just say they are in 3th grade middleschool? or 4th? maybe they all will be uhhhhh 18 years? damn they will all look ugly fr (IRL)).  Friday will be the schoolball at 20.00 pm. Here are some extra informations about the schoolball." Angay gave us a sheet of paper and went on talking about math. I readed the beer(n-n-n-n-n-n-n--n-n-n-n-n-n-n--n-n-n-no....dandelion wein.....), smoking, drugs, blowing, etc. 

I didn't really want a partner tbh. I could just go for fun, to taste the foods, yeah. 

First lunch break came and we all talked about the schoolball. Everyone was inside so I stayed inside too. I ate my BROODJE next to Danny, who was talking with Lisa and the other girls. They all came up to him to ask for the ball. It kinda made me jealous. I brushed those thoughts away and focused on eating and watching my phone. I didn't really listened to their conversation, but Lisa ended up somehow crying and running out of the classroom. I wonder why. Tho I don't really care. I felt something tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Danny.

"What?" I said not looking at him. 

"I want to tell you something...Let's go outside." He said nervously. I frowned a bit and stood up. We walked to somewhere, where it was quiet enough. It made me kinda nervous. 

"Jayden." He stood still, not moving. I couldn't see his face. 'Did I do something wrong?' I asked myself. He turned around, still not looking at me. 

"I uhh.....Will you.....umm....haha how do I say this umm...." He said, scratching his neck. I've never saw him this nervous. 

"What? Spit it out already."I said irritated. He noticed that I was irritated and smiled. A fake one.

"No...nothing......We should head in now! It's freezing outside, haha." He said laughing dry. I frowned and grabbed his wrist. 

"What's wrong." I said serious. He looked back, sweating.

"Haa.... Just ask already!" I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled it hard. It was so sudden, that my breath hitched.

"Will you be my partner for the schoolball this friday." He said suddenly pulling me close. 


longest chapter ever, 1306 words. damnnnnn.

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