Chapter 24

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Jayden's POV:

"Jayden Bayou!" 

I stopped breathing. That voice...It can't be...Mom was supposed to come back tomorrow. I hesitated first but slowly turned around and stood up. Mom was standing infront of the door, her face was dark and I got scared. Mom was never mad at me but this time I have a bad feeling about it. 

"Mom! I can expl--"

"Save your words for later. Come downstaires RIGHT NOW!" She yelled and slammed the door and it went quiet. I looked at Danny with terrified eyes. '' Mom yelling at us definitly meant something bad...Danny hugged me tight and whispered in my ear:

"It's gonna be alright, I'm always gonna stay by your side. I will never leave you." Those words made me less panic, but not enough. I got off the bed and put some pants on. Danny also put on a shirt. 

I hesitated to go downstaires, I began sweating. Danny probably saw that and squeezed my hand, smiling softly at me. I took a deep breath and went downstaires.


"What were you guys doing up there, huh?" Mom asked. We all sat at the dining table. Mom and dad infront of us and Danny and I next to eachother. Dad was smoking a cigarette and glares at Danny, while Danny was avoiding his eye contact by looking at the table. I looked down at my lap. 

"I said, WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING UPSTAIRS IN JAYDEN'S ROOM?!" Mom yelled. I flinched and began trembling and hesitating to answer the question. Suddenly Danny sighed and held my hand tight under the table.

"We were doing what lovers are supposed to do when they are inlove, we were making love wasn't that obvious?" Danny said in a monotone voice with no fear. 


Dad slammed his fist on the table. We both suddenly flinched and looked up at dad. 

"Don't YOU dare talk back at us like that, kid." 

Danny gulped and looked down at the table again. My mom put her glasses away and pinched on the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"How long?" Mom asked irritated. There were no answers.

"How long Jayden?! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING THIS?!" Mom began yelling at me.

"In r....relationship or..." I trailed off.

"In a relationship."

"Ummm we..." I didn't know what to say. Mom was glaring at me and I was getting nervous.

"We both loved eachother so the relationship started without knowing." Danny answered. Kinda lied.


"You know what, this doesn't make any FUCKING sense anymore. Disgusting SHIT." Mom yelled. 'Ah...I knew things would've end up like this'  Tears were starting to form in my eyes. Life is so hard nowedays, I can't remember when I was happy with my family last time...

"Who would've thought I would have a dissapointing son, a disgusting gay whore."

Danny stood up after hearing those crazy words and almost seeing me cry. 

"How dare you say those things to your own SON and to my BOYFRIEND. You should be ashamed of yourself! I cant believe that your a moth---" Danny was mad, it was all written on his face. He could've punched them.

"SIT DOWN! ALL OF YOU." Dad finally yelled again and slammed his fist on the table. Everyone was silent again.

"Natasha, ------------" Dad whispered in mom's ear. Mom sighed and nodded. I felt something bad.

"Jayden..." Mom put her glasses back on. Her face was dark.

Dad got up and walked away with another pack of cigarette on his hand along with his coffee muttering the word 'disgusting'. 'How late even is it? It feels like 4 AM in the morning....I'm so tired of all this shit, I just sleep...'

"Ma'am, listen it's all my fault, you can't do this to Jayden. I wanted to do it with him." I heard Danny say. 'Ah...are they still arguing?'

"Shut up, Jayden listen." I looked at mom, I didn't even feel my own tears streaming down my face. Everything became numb, even the pain and what mom said made me even more dizzy and nauseous. 

"Pack your things, Jayden. You are leaving my house. Right now. I don't want a gay son in my house."



dannayden !!!!! (aka furry enemies to lovers kind of🥰😍🔥)Where stories live. Discover now