Chapter 20

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Danny's POV:

It was very warm at the hospital. Doctors rushed to Jayden's condition and placed him in a room. I needed to wait outside but I couldn't wait any longer. My condition wasn't that bad, some scratches and a little bit blood.

 My parents, especially my mom, didn't come to check on me if everything was ok. She is usually working everyday and has barely enough time for me. As for my dad, I don't want to see his face. As an only child, I grew up lonely and learned everything by myself. Even cooking. Lisa and I were childhood friends. We saw eachother often because of our dads who always met up. I always found her annoying and now I despite her. 

I saw some people rushing towards my way. They were probably Jayden's parents. The woman I saw once at Jayden's house gripped on one of the doctors standing outside.

"Where is my son?! What happend?!!" She was stressing out and the man behind her, must be her husband, was calming her down.

"Honey, let's sit first and calm down. Everything must be alright with Jayden." He tried to smile but failed.

"Please, let me see my son..."

"Ma'am, we are taking care of your son right now. Everything is alright but he has lost much blood and some damaged organs. He is in our care so everything is fine." The doctor said. She sighed. 

"Let's go sit down." The husband said and she nodded. While walking towards me, the woman recognized me. 

"Danny?" I smiled sad and she began hugging me. 

"Omg, I heard you were there too. Is everything alright with you? Did you call your parents?" I grinned nervously and shaked my head.

"Everything is fine with me ma'am and my parents are working so I didn't bother to call them." I said. She hummed and her husband pat my head.

"Thank you for protecting my son, kid." He smiled reassuring. I looked down and my smile fade away.

"I...." Tears were forming on my face.

"I--I couldn't protect him on time..." That's when I broke down sobbing quietly. 

" did your best and that's the most important one. Jayden could've been in a much worser condition if you weren't there on time." The dad said and the mom began sobbing too.

After some time later a doctor came out of Jayden's room. I sprang up and so did the parents. 

"Jayden is recovering well, don't worry. He may have lost some blood and damaged a few organs but it's not a big issue. He will be well soon and maybe after some days he can go home but for now he needs some rest. You can come in now." The doctor smiled and walked away. I sat down and took deep breaths. 'He is well, thank god...' All my bad thoughts were blown away and it wasn't that warm anymore.

The parents rushed to the room and I decided to wait outside to give them some privacy.

It was getting late but I still waited. I didn't want to go home. The parents came out and were shocked that I was still here.

"Danny! Why didn't you go home? Your parents must be worried sick about you. Should we drive you home?" She asked nicely. I shaked my head. 

"I'm not going home...I'll stay here with Jayden for the night." I smiled reassuring.

"Are you sure?" The dad asked. I nodded and they looked at eachother shrugging.

"Well whatever you want. Jayden is sleeping now so you should sleep too. We can't come back tomorrow so....please keep an eye on him." They smiled and walked away. I sighed and went in quietly.

dannayden !!!!! (aka furry enemies to lovers kind of🥰😍🔥)Where stories live. Discover now