Chapter 3

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Danny POV (there we go again):

(Angay:)"Danny, Jayden and Lisa are the last group for the ASSightments. Make sure you guys (have fun) complete it before the deadline arrives. If I spot you guys only shitting around and not working, I might aswell give extra homework! So, as I was saying, the ASSighment has to be over the subject photography. I want 2 people take a pose and the other one takes a good pic. You must switch once with another partner for the pic. Alright, I dismiss y'all early to work on it. Have a good day and the deadline would me Friday, don't forget upcoming homework!" (today is wednesday)

Jayden? And Lisa? You can't be serious right? Sigh, there goes nothing. "Heyy Lisa and Jayden. Nice to work with you guys, haha! So, when should we do this ASSighment? Today after school sounds good to me, what about you guys?" 

Jayden nodded avoiding looking at me. I frowned concerned, but looked at Lisa who was exited to work with me.

"I would do whatever you like Dannyy." Lisa grabbed my arm. I looked tired at her and looked back at Jayden. "Who's gonna take the photos first? And whos gonna pose with who?" Jayden looked at his phone and said:"You guys can pose first and I'll take the pictures." 

I rolled my eyes, but agreed with a fake smile. I saw Jayden furrow his eyes for a moment and shaked it off. Lisa, on the other hand, was very existed taking pictures with me. "Where should we take the pictures?" Jayden asked. I thought for a second and a place popped in my head. 

"How about behind that little mountain behind school?" I suggested, and they both nodded. 

Jayden's POV:

I took a deep breath and sighed while walking behind the 2 lovey doveys. I prepared my camera from my phone and we went behind the mountain. 

"So, did you guys thought about the pose?" I said irritated.

"What's wrong? Why do you sound so irritated? Perhaps, do you want to pose with Lisa?" Lisa looked at Jayden with a disgusted face and I shaked my head angrily. 

"Hmm... well whatever, Lisa, how do you want to pose?"

"Omg let's hold hands! ANgay would love to see couple photos!" Lisa said blushing.

I turned my gaze to those and closed my eyes, fake smiling and fur(ry)rowing my eyes. 'This is boring and stupid'  Danny chuckeld and said alright. Lisa was happy and folded his arm around Danny's and made with her other hand a peace sign. Danny did the same and smiled. I took a few pictures and letted them see how it turned out. Lisa founded it super cute and Danny was ok with it. 

"Don't forget what AngAy said, we need to change partner, so I'll take a picture with you and Lisa." Danny said while taking my phone and standing at my spot. I sighed and standed next to her. We weren't posing, but standing very awkward next to eachother. Lisa groaned and did a thumbs up sign with her hand. Jayden did the same with an awkward smile and Danny took the pic. 

It turned out pretty awkward and Danny didn't like it. He suggested that Lisa must sit on his back and then smile happy. I groaned along with Lisa and did what he said. Danny took a few and it turned out much lively. 

"Alright, we're done. Can I go home now?" Jayden sighed grabbing his phone from Danny. 

"You can't go, we are still not done yet!"

"What?! What do you mean? We took the photo's. I'll send them to Angay and we will be done."

"What I mean is that we didn't take a pic of us." Danny grabbed the phone from my hand and gave it to Lisa. He grabbed my wrist and went to the spot again.

"Alright Lisa, how should we pose?" Danny said.

"Uhhhh, idk do whatever you like?" Lisa said bored. 

Sigh this is very exhausting. I looked over me wrist and he was still holding it. My face became red and I pulled my wrist away and took a few steps back. I shouldn't have done that...I felt something slippery under my feet and almost fell down backwards. I closed my eyes and was prepared to take the hit until...


dannayden !!!!! (aka furry enemies to lovers kind of🥰😍🔥)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz