Chapter 16

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Danny's POV:

" you want to be my valentines date?" I asked proudly. Jayden didn't say anything and I began to be worried. 

"So.....yes or no...?" I asked anxious. He still stared at me, finding his words and laughing slightly. I was still looking worried and confused. 

"Uhh....Danny..." He began laughing. My anxious took over me and I began panicking.

"I...I maybe shoudn't have a--"

"Danny! Hahaha, you're nose." I looked at him confused and finally came back to my senses. 

"You're nose is still bleeding dummy." He laughed and grabbed a tissue from his bag on the ground. I stood there emberrassed and flustered holding my nose. He cleaned it up for me and kissed my cheek. My face heated up and my heartbeat increased.

"Let's go to class or else the teachers will be mad at us." He smiled and held my hand. I followed him to class and sat down on our seats. Just in time, the teacher came in class and scolded me first for fighting behind school. I scratched my neck and laughed awkward. anGay shaked her head and carried on with our studies. I didn't understand a thing so I decided to daze at Jayden. I stared at him and he didn't notice me until the teacher asked me a question. My attention went to the her immidiatly. I thought she caught me.

"Danny, do you know the answer for question 53? You needed to make that for homework." She looked at me strictly. I stuttered and said that I didn't know the answer and she asked someone else. I sighed and heard Jayden giggle. I smiled and stared at him again. My hands felt cold and I slowly went up to his hand. He looked at me and then turned away blushing. I grinned and holded his hands. 

"Were in class." He whispered.

"Hmmm....I don't care~" I smirked and pushed my chair closer to him. 

After school (RRR)

Everyone was out and they all went to shopping for tomorrow's ball. I took a deep breath and tapped on Jayden's shoulder. He looked at me confused.

"What's wrong?" He asked. We were outside and were walking to home. 

"You still didn't answer my question from earlier." I winked. He blushed and so did I.

"Hmm..." He thought out loud. He then smiled at me. 

"Wasn't the kiss on the cheek enough information?" He smirked. 

"Oh....So you want to be my date for the valentine's ball?!" I asked excited. He nodded looking away and I was so happy that I could've kissed him right infront of everyone. 

"I'm so glad...otherwise I wouldv'e brought my scooter for nothing." He looked at me confused and I began smirking.


"Let's go shopping for clothes for tomorrow." Jayden thought for a while and messaged his mother. He nodded that he could go shopping. I grabbed his hands and walked to my parked scooter. 

"No way...I can't sit there, that's too scary." Jayden said with wide eyes. 

"Come on, just hold on me tight." I lifted him up and put him on the backseat. 

"I--I could've climbed up myself too..." He blushed and I began laughing. I sat on my seat and started the motor. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I could feel his head on my back. I smiled and rode to the shopping centre.

"Waah, it's going too fast." He said, tighten his grip. 

"Don't worry, if you hold me nothing would happen."

Once we parked, Jayden letted me go and jumped off the scooter. We both walked in and decided to go to a random clothing store (idk just think of a random clothing store). We searched every clothing store until we found a fashioned one. I found myself a black suit and a red tie. Jayden found that one was looking good on me with a slight blush. 

"What should I wear...hey what do you think about this one?" He had a white suit on with a red tie. 

"Our ties are matching." He said cheerfully. I smiled and blushed. 

"You look gorgeous." I said winking. He turned around, his ears were red. 

"You don't need to say it like that..." He mumbled and I laughed. 

"Ah wait, Jayden, this also belongs to the suit." I walked to him and put a rose behind his ears. I laughed teasingly and his face heated up. 

"I dont need that.." He said closing his eyes and turning his head to the opposite direction. I holded his chin and gave a quick peck on the lips. 

"Well it does suit you, red and white."I winked again and began laughing. 

" public...." He said. It looked like he was almost melting. I smiled.

After the shopping we decided to eat lunch. I found a good restaurant, but he denied and said it looked expensive. I gave him a pat on the head. 

"Don't worry~ It's on me. I'll buy everything today." I said giving him a reassuring smile. He hesitated but nodded in the end. We ate some rice and salad. I teased him and he always blushed at my reactions. 

"Hmmm..." I thought out loud.

"What's wrong." Jayden grabbed his water bottle and drank.

"Maybe you're house isn't the best place to do it....We should try it at my house it's peacefuller there and no one can interrupt us." I said smirking. Jayden choked on his drink and I immidiatly stood up to help him. 

"Hahaha~" I laughed while he was still flushed red.

The lunch was tasty and we decided to go back home. Jayden sighed. He probably wanted to spend more time. We arrived at the parking lot and he began groaning.

"Do I need to sit there again?" He said tiredly. I kissed his forehead.

"Yes...pleasee?" I grinned. He sighed but nodded. He climbed on the scooter held me tight again and I rode back again. 

It was getting late and  I brought Jayden finally home. We didn't stop infront of his house, but in an alleyway close to his house. I kissed him goodbye on the lips but he didn't let go. He tighten his grip on my shirt and didn't push away from the kiss. I chuckled and kissed his cheak. 

"You need to go now or else you're parents would be worried....We will do this again when were alone again" I kissed his cheak again.

"Alright, alright. Goodbye." He said pushing me off flushed. I winked and waved goodbye as he  walked back to his house.

I went home and saw father sitting in the living room. I sighed.

"Danny." I walked towards him.

"Yes father?" I asked.

"Why are you home so late." He asked strictly. I hid the clothing that I bought today.

"I hanged out with friends of mine." I lied.

"I heard that you're school is having a ball tomorrow, did you find a girl yet?" He asked, reading the newspaper on the table. I sighed.

"No father, I'm just going with friends, no particulary dates." I lied again. He groaned.

"You are a dissapointment to the family, Danny! When are you gonna have a girlfriend, kids and when are you thinking to work for you're family's company?!" He yelled. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore. He turned his attention to the newspaper again. 

"Whatever. You're almost 19 Danny. If you wont find a girl..." He trailed off.

"...then I will arrange a marriage for you." 

dannayden !!!!! (aka furry enemies to lovers kind of🥰😍🔥)Where stories live. Discover now