S1 Chapter 1: Chaos Control Freaks

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It was the night of a full moon as a Fisher was sleeping but was woken up by an alarm went of at some kind of base as security lights turned on and a dark blue Hedgehog was running through there dodging a bunch of robot attacks and rocket missiles then some bigger robots came out of nowhere and as the blue Hedgehog turn to get away from them they followed him.

The giant robot chasing the Hedgehog and chased him into a tunnel where the other giant robot cut him off but the Hedgehog made a sharp turn and he got out of there, but he activated a spring trap and got launch high up in the air.

Hedgehog: Ahhh!

He then got smacked by another giant robot.

Hedgehog: Ahhhh!

Then suddenly, a blue plane flew in and it was being flown by a yellow fox with two tails and a pink Hedgehog with her quills down, a red head band, and a red dress.

Fox: Sonic!!!

The plane got hit with a few lasers and caught on fire.

Pink Hedgehog: Tails, the plane's on fire! What are we gonna do?

Tails turned to her.

Tails: We're gonna save Sonic!

Tails shot a missile at Sonic before the missile could hit him it broke apart and there was a golden ring in it. When Sonic grabbed the ring he rolled super fast and took out a lot of the robots and he entered the base. Meanwhile, the plane was on the ground.

Tails: Hang on, Amy!

Amy gasped as she saw they were about to crash into a big rock.

Amy: We're gonna crash!

Tails: I know!

A fist punched the rock and it broke into pieces and because of it Amy and Tails didn't crash when Tails looked to see what happened his face lit up as he saw a red echidna.

Tails: Knuckles!

He turns towards the base barely acknowledging the two he saved.

Amy: What's the matter with him?

Knuckles watched the base getting blown up.

Knuckles: Overkill. Just like always.

It was quite for a bit before they all felt a huge blow of wind.

Knuckles: What was That?!

Tails: I don't know!

Inside the base a lockdown was happening and in the control room there was a bald overweight man with the red mustache, and red and black suit and a tail yellow robot.

Robot: Dr. Eggman, the facility is in 100% lockdown.

Eggman: Why does that cursed Sonic always get in my way?

???: He doesn't get in your way, Dr. Eggman.

He turns to see a rabbit with a red dress, and blue ribbon around her neck and she was holding a light blue alien like creature in a glass containment capsule.

Rabbit: Sonic just tries to stop you from doing all the bad things you like to do.

Alien: Chao chao.

Eggman: Oh, is that so?

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