S1 Chapter 2: Sonic and Y/n to the Rescue

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It was morning and Y/n was sitting on a tree and Sonic was laying on the roof and they both heard Christopher on the phone with someone.

Christopher: You see, there were these cats in the pool, and I got them out.

Women on the phone: Oh, you have a big heart, just like I do. Next time, ring for Mr. Tanaka and he'll take care of it, all right? Oh, darling, I must run. Kiss Mummy goodbye.

Christopher kissed the phone.

Women on the phone: Ciao, sweetheart.

She hung up and the two Hedgehogs came down to him.

Y/n: Whoever that was she sure is self-centered.

Christopher: What do you mean?

Y/n: "You have a big heart like mine" Self-centered much?

Sonic: I guess, but take a good look, Chris. We're hedgehogs, not cats.

Chris: Uh, I know. Please don't be mad you two.

Y/n: I'm already mad.

Chris: But why?

Y/n: Because the things here won't just leave me alone.

Chris: You mean people?

Y/n: So, that's what your kind is called.

Chris: Look, my mom wouldn't understand.

Sonic: Why wouldn't she?

Chris: Well, first of all, she knows I wouldn't risk diving into a pool in the middle of the night just to save two little hedgehogs.

Sonic: Really?

Y/n: Just understand you didn't save me at all, Christopher.

Chris: I know I didn't, Y/n. But I at least saved Sonic when you wouldn't, and I couldn't tell my mom that I met two talking blue hedgehogs. That reminds me. Where and when did you two learn how to talk?

Sonic: Good question. Unfortunately, I don't have a very good answer 'cause I don't remember.

Chris: Okay, what about you, Y/n?

Y/n: Well, I don't remember when, but where I learned to talk was at my Father's workshop.

The phone Chris was holding started to ring and he picked it up.

Chris: Hello?

Man on the phone: Chris, is everything all right?

Chris: Hey, Dad. How are ya?

Chris's dad: I'm fine, but your mother just called and told me you made an emergency rescue last night. I guess our security system can't protect against stray cats that decide they wanna go for a moonlight swim. Chris, I know you like animals, but what you did was dangerous. Were you hurt? Did either of the cats try to scratch you while you were trying to save them?

Y/n: (Whispered: I did consider it.)

Chris: Uh-uh. No scratches at all. I'm fine, Dad. Honest, I am. It really wasn't that big a deal. After I jumped in and got them out of the water they were really happy. Well, one of them at least one of them was, I could tell.

Chris's dad: Yeah, gotcha.

Chris: Besides, I could've had Grandpa, or Ella, or Mr. Tanaka to help me if I needed to. Don't worry, Dad. They're taking good care of me.

Chris's dad: Yeah, they better be. Listen, Chris, I've got an important meeting to run to. You call me anytime you need anything. And no more late night swims, promise?

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