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The last hour

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A loud ringing echoed through the halls as a signal for their lunch break. Everyone stood up, ready to leave. Soon, only a few students were left in the classroom.

"Rina, aren't you coming?" Crystal said to the girl whose head was laying on her desk.

"I'll just skip lunch. My stomach's not feeling well." She explained.

Crystal just nodded before leaving along with the others. In front of her were Gabriel and Clyden talking.

"Cly, do you really have to study even at lunch breaks?" Gab questioned the boy who was still carrying his textbook.

"Yes. Finals are coming, and I need to maintain my rank."

"Ahh. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend."

"Well, I'd rather have no girlfriend than have multiple ones at the same time." Clyden explained, looking straight at his friend's eyes.

"What? Not me, it's Sky."

Clyden scoffed. "You two are just the same."

"I heard my name?" A familiar voice from behind was heard.

The boy wearing a grey hoodie, Sky walked closer to them, placing one of his arms on top of Gab's shoulder. "Let's sit together at lunch, hm?"

"With her?" Gab pointed at the girl behind him.

Chandra looked at him, raising one of her eyebrows. "What? Do you have a problem with me?"

Gab just turned his gaze back to his front as they continue their journey to the cafeteria.

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The cafeteria was filled with students as all of them got their own trays of food. After getting her food, Crystal sits at the empty table in the far corner. Rina wasn't with her so she didn't have anyone to eat lunch with.

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