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Chandra's Q&A

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"Do you like me?"


"If you wanna flirt and be gay, go ahead, but at least don't do it in front of my single ass." Sky said from behind.

The two girls then looked at him. Chandra rolled her eyes at him before pulling the girl with her to walk faster.


Meanwhile, behind Sky were the two girls, Jule and Calli. Jule has been trying to talk to Calli for the past few hours, but she just won't reply to anything she says.

"Would you like a biscuit? Or juice? This is your favorite, right? Lemon?" Jule offered her food, but she received no reply.

"Come on, Calli. You haven't eaten anything yet." She continued to encourage her.

Seconds later, Calli lifted her head, looking at Jule. Expecting her to say something but she just took the biscuit and juice. Jule smiled as she watched her friend finally eat.

"God, I really can't walk any further," Gab whined. They were ahead of everyone else so it was only the three of them, him, Cly, and the girl their carrying right now. "Can't you just carry her alone?" He looked at Cly who had that serious face attached to him as usual.

"Maybe if just shut your huge mouth, you'll gain more energy."

"Tsk. Are you not tired as well?"

"I'm always tired. I'm used to it."

"You have a point. You both study and workout every day... That gets me to thinking, how are you still alive?"

Cly ignored him, just keeping his eyes ahead of them.

Another hour passed, and they continued to walk. The sun was soon to rise at any minute, so the place wasn't as dark as earlier.

Till now, none of them had any proper sleep. Yes, some of them had some sleep in the car but for some reason, they all still felt tired and drained. It was probably because of everything that happened. They were all mentally drained. All they want right now is some rest, even for just a little bit, and maybe a proper meal, they're tired of just eating crackers and chips.

"Wait. Is that a village?" Gab narrowed his eyes.

"Hold her for a minute. I'll go check." Cly removed Zielle's arm from his shoulder before running to check.

He looked around before coming back to the others. "You're right. There's a village up ahead, but it's empty. It seems like everyone already evacuated."

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