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Our promise

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"What were you all talking about? I was just gonna cut my hair, it was getting irritating."

Everyone froze, surprised by her new look.

"That's it? You weren't gonna...you know...commit?" Sky who was behind everyone else asked.

"Uh, what?" Crystal looked at them with a confused look.

"You know what, forget it." Sky said.

"Why did you use a knife instead of scissors?" Zielle questioned her.

"Oh. I couldn't find any scissors so I used a knife instead."

Zielle gave her a judgy look. "Are you serious? You got us all worried here and you were actually just giving yourself a goddamn makeover?!"

Crystal just gave her an innocent smile. "Sorry...it won't happen again."

Zielle scoffed and shook her head before leaving the scene.

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Moments passed, and everyone had gathered around the basement where it was safer for them. They had brought lots of blankets and pillows, enough to make the room comfortable for them. It looked like they were just having a sleepover.

They were now eating the food that they got, this served as their dinner. 

"Where did get that ring? I haven't seen you wear it till now." Estell asked Jule who was eating next to her. She pointed at the girl's ring finger.

"Oh. Someone special gave it to me today." She smiled.


Tears continue to fall from her eyes as she hugs her knees, feeling miserable.

She just lost a friend and she wasn't able to do anything. She felt worthless. She could've done something to save him but it was too late.

Suddenly, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, pulling her closer to them.

"Shh. I won't let you cry here alone. I'm here, you can cry onto me."

She lifted her head and immediately gave him the tightest hug while she cried on his shoulder.

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