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Esquivel's safe room

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"How do you have electricity here?" Sky asked Aki while he drank the hot chocolate the younger boy made for each of them.

"We have a generator."

"And for water?"

"We have a huge water supply."

"Well, what do you not have?"


Sky just nodded.

"...and parents." Ika added while stabbing her doll with the toy knife.

Others went speechless and just stared at the girl. That was a very unexpected choice of words for a kid.

"Well, she's.... something," Gab muttered.

"How old is she?" Zielle asked.

"9." Aki answered.


As time passed, they continued to talk, getting to know each other more. The older teens were amazed by these siblings' skills. Aki was a professional with guns while Ika already knew self-defense at such a young age.

Aki told them about their father being a general in the armed forces while their mother was an epidemiologist. This explained why he and Ika were good at fighting by fist and by guns.

The two were the definition of beauty, brains, and brawn.

Soon, afternoon came and Aki invited Zielle, Gab, and Crystal to the kitchen to assist him with cooking. Sky wasn't really called but he chose to tag along to watch.

"We should cook this chicken before it goes to waste. It's been here for over 5 months." Aki grabbed the whole raw chicken from the huge freezer located on the left side of the kitchen. It wasn't just a regular freezer, it was a whole room.

"5 months?! Can we still even eat that?" Sky said.

"You do know that a raw chicken can go up to a year, right?" Zielle replied.

"So, what should we do with this?" Aki asked, holding the chicken.

"Cook it, obviously. What else do you want to do with it? Make it fly?" Gab said, arms crossed.

Aki rolled his eyes.

"What I meant is what kind of cooking should we do?" He asked again with the remaining patience he has left.

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