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Finally free

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Their silhouettes disappeared into the forest as they continued to quicken their pace, with the sound of their shoes hitting the grassy ground being the only thing heard. They went past the group of tall trees as they made their way to the seashore.

Alice was holding Ika on the hand tightly while they lead the group. Everyone else was following from behind. With a few looking backs, they made sure to shoot every zombie chasing their tail. It was like they were in a game of tag.

After a few more running, they finally set foot on the wooden flooring of the large dock right next to the sea. The refreshing atmosphere hit their bare skin while their hair flew behind. The sound of waves was the only thing heard around the area as they walked further, looking around.

Alice let her eyes wander around the dock before finally landing on a familiar man's figure. He was already able to hop on the boat, and when he made eye contact with her, panic was shown on his face as he fasten his movements, starting the boat.

"Quick! He's over there!" She pointed as everyone proceeded in his direction.

But before they could reach him, the boat's engine started. He then drove off, leaving all of them there, stranded with the feeling of despair taking over them.

Alice released a heavy huff as she pushed her hair back, watching him and the boat sail away. She turned around and faced everyone's eyes. Their eyes showed exactly what they were feeling. The feeling of losing hope after their only way of escaping gets taken away from them.

Gabriel and Zielle have finished killing all the zombies following them and now turned their heads to what was happening. They saw everyone's gloomy faces as their eyes followed the boat as it get farther away.

Sky cleared his throat. "Come on. Let's find another boat. Everyone split up and search for one that has keys and gas."

"Don't worry. We'll kill that son of a bitch." He said to Alice before going through the boats parked around the dock.

The rest then copied his actions, checking each boat seen for any keys. Gio was with Raya and Crystal as they hopped on a hurricane deck boat at the very end of the area. Raya walked towards the driver's seat and searched for keys.

She smiled as her eyes landed on the shining key inserted into the keyhole. Then looking at the fuel gauge, her smile grew wider in success. The tank was full.

"Here! Guys, over here!" 

She waved at the rest, gesturing her hands for them to hop on. She then lets Gio start the engine and do whatever needs to be done for them to finally leave this place.

Everyone sat down, slowly getting hope back into them. They settled on their places as they couldn't wait anymore to sail off far away.

Tag, you're it.  || TXT x ITZYWhere stories live. Discover now