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"Sorry, Ely. I need to leave early. There's an emergency back home. Are you okay cleaning alone?"


"Yeah, no worries."


Her classmate vanished through the door, leaving her alone in the classroom. She was in charge of cleaning the School Laboratory along with other students but most either ditched it or had some emergency.


Ely had now finished cleaning and the only thing left was taking the trash out. She carried the heavy bags full of trash along with her things and left the room. Walking in the hallway while carrying trash bags in both hands, not far from her, she saw the one and only Jule Cressida.


The moment Ely walked past her, she rolled her eyes. "What a fucking pick me."


"What did you say?" Someone suddenly appeared in front of her. "Jule's a fucking what now?"


Ely smirked. "Hello, Salvatore."


Zielle rolled her eyes at her and pushed Ely to the wall, pinning her.


Zielle went closer to her face before speaking. "If I see you, rolling your eyes or hear you, talking shit about MY classmates again, I won't hesitate to poke this on your ugly fucking eyes." She said, showing her a newly sharpened pencil.


Ely remained calm until Zielle left her alone. Walking peacefully again, sighing out of irritation.


She arrived at the back of the school building. On her way to the trash bin, she saw an unfamiliar figure. Its back was facing her so it was hard to identify who it was. The person wasn't wearing their school uniform.


"Excuse me, what are you doing here? You're not from this school."


The person slowly turned around. And as soon as she saw the face, she dropped everything she was carrying, mouth agape, and eyes widened.


It snarled and ran towards the girl at a rapid speed.


She couldn't think of anything to do but let out a high-pitched scream.


Sadly, no one heard that scream. It was dark already, and everyone was on their way out of the school.




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