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Wake up

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"Zielle, please wake up." Gab kept trying to wake the girl up.

It has been a few minutes since the car crash, and they were now outside and away from the vehicle since thought it was gonna blow up soon due to the damage. They were still a forest-looking place and it was still quite very dark around them.

All of them didn't have any serious injuries except for the girl that was still unconscious and face still covered in blood. Thankfully, she was still breathing.

"Zielle, you have to wake up, please." Crystal begged, cleaning the blood off her face. They were able to treat her immediately after the incident, stopping her wounds from bleeding.

Chandra was also beside Zielle as she also begs for the girl to wake up. She was one of her bestest friends, there's no way she's gonna let her die.

Meanwhile, Sky was just behind everyone, silently blaming himself for everything.

"We have to find a safer place, it's not safe being in the woods, especially around this time." Cly said.

"Okay. I'll just carry her." Gab said, putting his arms under Zielle's body before lifting her up, but not even after 2 seconds, he put her down.

"Damn, she really heavy."

Chandra scoffed. "Maybe you're just not strong enough. Let me try."

She also tried but failed. "Okay, you're right."

"I'll help you. Take her right arm, I'll take her left." Cly told Gab. They both pulled the girl, wrapping her arms both on the boys' shoulders.

All of them then started to walk, following the dirt path. Everyone remained quiet throughout the walk with only the sounds of crickets chirping and the tapping from their shoes hitting the ground being heard. A lot of things had already happened today, and all of them were going through lots of grief.

Two hours of walking later, their legs were already sore and felt like jelly. They couldn't do any more walking. Deciding to take a short break, the two boys gently put the girl, leaning her body on a tree.

"At this point, I don't think I even want to survive," Gab spoke, pushing his hair back away from his face. "We're all fucking hopeless."

"Noria is still about 8 hours away. We lost our van, and Zielle is badly hurt. There's no way we're gonna make it there in time now." Cly said in a tone of disappointment.

There were just losing hope at this point.

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