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~~Flashback continues~~

Intrams were finally over, and everyone was slowly leaving.

I'm here, sitting on a bench, waiting for my friends.

Jule was right in front of me. I watched her while she helps clean the mess caused by earlier's events.

Soon, Hiro arrives with bottles of water. He handed one to Jule and then me.

"Thank you." I said.

He sat next to me while being busy playing with his phone.

Through the years of us being friends, we never had a proper conversation. I can only have the opportunity to talk to him when we 5 are together.

It was always awkward between us.

Today, I've made up my mind. I'm going to say everything I want to say to him. I'm going to confess everything that I feel for him.

I was now going to tap his shoulder. "Hey, uh--"

Before he could notice me, our other friends arrived.

"Let's go?" Sean asked as he got near us.

"To where?" Hiro said.

"Hangout. My house this time." He offered.

Hiro just nodded before standing up.

Jule, who was also done with her cleaning, came toward us. "I'm done. Let's go." She said, smiling like always.

Jule is like the sweetest girl you could ever meet in your life. No wonder why she's always so lucky. She's rich, popular, kind, sweet, friendly, literally anything else you could ever ask for. She's perfect.

"We should take my ca-- Oh! There's Sky and Zielle! I'll just them congratulate first. Excuse us." She excused herself, pulling Sean with her.

The three of us were left. Estella and Hiro were talking about something while I just sat back down, feeling left out.

"I'll just go get something from the principal." Estella soon also left.

As we were alone again, silence took over us. It was awkward for me as we were just both quiet, not one of us wanting to start a conversation.

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