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His eyes lit up, grabbing the unopened champagne bottle sitting inside the cabinet. Laughing before talking to himself again.

"This is gonna be a good night."

Also finding plastic cups in another cabinet below, he grabbed everything he found before running back to the others. As soon as he opened the door, his loud voice echoed through the room.

"Hey, look what I found~" He yelled, smiling like an idiot.

Everyone looked at him.

"Oh, God, where did you get that? This isn't your house to just grab anything you want, Skyler!" Zielle nagged.

"That's my dad's, where'd you find it?" Jule continued.

"I did a little treasure hunting in the kitchen and found where all of the alcohols were, so come on, who wants to drink?"

Chandra proudly raised her hand while Zielle rolled her eyes.

"Chandra, put your hand down. No one's drinking."

"Why not? I see nothing wrong with it." Chandra responded.

"Yeah, let's do it. It's just for one night." Cly agreed.

"See, even our president approves!" Sky said.

"Skyler, we're fucking minors." Zielle protested.

"Well, I'm not. And besides, who cares if we're minors or not? Those fuckers would never know, they're not even here when we need them!" Sky argued back.

"Yeah, Zielle. You're acting like you haven't experienced being drunk before. Don't be a party pooper." Gab said.

She just rolled her eyes.

"So, does everyone else agree?" Sky asked the rest.


They all formed a circle as Sky distributed a cup to each.

"You know, just drinking and talking is boring. Let's play a game!" Gab suggested.

"Oh, let's play secrets!" Chandra said.

"Huh? Never heard of it." Crystal said, sipping on her drink.

"It's a game that we invented. Person A whispers a question to Person B and Person B answers out loud. Then, we'll toss a coin and Person B has to guess whether it's heads or tails. If they guess wrong, the question will be revealed to the rest. Do y'all get it?" Sky explained.

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