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Just a dream?

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"Here." Aki handed them sleeping bags. There were only two queen size beds available. Ika and Aki took one while Estell, Jule, and Calli occupied the other one. The sofa next to it was also unavailable since Crystal chose to sleep there.

And this leaves the other four in sleeping bags.

"Thanks." Zielle said, taking it from Aki's hands. She gave the boys each of their own before beginning to unfold hers and placing it on the corner, where no one else can bother her.

"Come on, I wanted to sleep there." Sky pouted, looking at Crystal who was already relaxing on the soft sofa.

"Just be grateful you actually have a place to sleep," Gab spoke, laying down.

Sky then just laid down and stared at the ceiling with nothing on his mind. It was now quiet as everyone fell into a deep slumber, except for him and Aki.

"Lights on or lights off?" Aki whispered from the other end of the room.

"Lights off." Sky replied. The younger one then just nodded before turning off all of the lights, leaving nothing on. It was now pitch black around them, not even a hint of brightness seen.

If Sky was being honest, he would prefer the lights on since he was afraid of the dark, but knowing that the rest would rather have it off, he just chose to face his fears so the rest could sleep comfortably.

Within just a few moments after the lights were turned off, Aki and Sky also fell asleep.

The night passed by with all of them sleeping deeply along with a few snores from some of them. After days of stress and sleepless nights, they finally had the opportunity to rest, even if it was just a few hours. Through this sleep, they get to forget their worries and ongoing grief.

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Skyler's POV:

"Rise and shine, bitch!" I heard a loud voice, interrupting my beauty sleep. I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

"What the hell, it's still 7 in the morni--Chandra?"

"What, you're gonna get up or not?" She was smiling. God, I missed that smile. It was beautiful, definitely not something you see every day.

I looked around. I was in my room. What? I don't understand. Was everything just a dream?

"Dude, get up. The other three are waiting downstairs. We're gonna be late." She said.

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