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A 'small' fight

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"You two girls look pretty, wanna have some fun?" Dirty smirks filled the four grown men as they approached the three teenagers.

Sky glared at them before grabbing the two girls' wrists. "Get inside."

"Uh, hold on, you're leaving? We haven't even started yet." They soon got close to them.

"Look at you, so young and fresh. A perfect match for me." One of them said as he was about to touch Chandra, but Sky stopped him. The man glared.

"Hands off, fucker."

"Tsk, what are you her boyfriend?"

"No, but I can guarantee, you're not her type."

"Wow, kids really are disrespectful to adults now these days, huh?" Another man spoke. "Kids like you deserve a punishment."

"Try me, I dare you." He stood face to face with them.

It pissed them off, leading to one of them throwing a punch at him, but just in time, he was able to catch their hand. He then took the chance to punch the guy instead, starting a fight.

Zielle then followed, beating up another guy.

Meanwhile, inside the van, while Jule and Cly were talking, Cly noticed the commotion outside.

"What the fuck?" He cussed. Jule also looked and her eyes widen.

"Gabriel, wake the fuck up! Skyler's having a fight!" He announced before exiting the van.

Due to Cly's voice, everyone else was disturbed from their sleep.

"What?" Gab looked outside and immediately saw what he meant. He then followed.

As Zielle continued to throw punches at one guy, someone suddenly grabbed her by the hair, making her groan in pain.

"Being all tough now, huh, young lady?" The man let out an evil laugh.

"Let go of me, asshole!" She tried to get off his grip. The man just laughed.

"You heard her. Let her go." Gab arrived at the scene, sending the man death glares.

"Aw, what are you? Her knight and shining armor?" He mocked.

"Nah, bitch. I'm just the boy who'll send you six feet under if you don't let her go." He warned. The man just smiled at him before gripping onto Zielle's hair tighter.

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