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Akillian's shooting lessons

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"You're going to Noria?"

"Yes. There's a safe zone over there, didn't you know?" Zielle responded.

"I know."

"Then, why haven't you gone there yet?"

"I have no plans on going there. I don't trust it." Aki answered as he continued to wash the dishes as Zielle wiped the counters clean.

It was late noon, and they had just finished lunch. They had chicken salads as requested by the youngest. Most disagreed, but the child didn't take 'no' as an answer.

"Well, most of us actually don't as well, but where else should we go? It's not like we can survive on our own in this world of monsters."

Aki remained silent as Zielle left after finishing cleaning everything.

He was thinking. Should they go or not? They have two days left before the gate officially closes, not letting any more people go in or out. It was dangerous, yes, but they can't just stay here forever. Soon, their supplies would run out, and they would just starve to death. All he was thinking about was Musika. It would probably be better if she stays there than here. It's safer there than in this room. They had to take the risk.

As he finished doing the dishes, he dried his hands and walked to the mini living room. He saw Ika laughing with the older teens.

At least he's sure that some people would be able to take care of her when he's gone.

He then walked to the area where all his guns were. There were pistols, rifles, submachine guns, and more. He grabbed a BR18 Rifle and reloaded it. The sound of it stole the rest's attention.

"Does anyone know how to use a gun?"

"Uh, no?" Gab replied, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Then, I'll teach you. There's no way you're gonna make it to Noria with just bats and fists."

The others just remained silent while Ika gasped.

"You're gonna teach us?!" Ika yelled, her eyes sparkling.

"Not you, just them."

Her face then dropped as she just pouted, walking off.

"Why not?" Gab asked.

"She's still a child, Gabriel." Aki responded.

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