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Wide awake

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Skyler's POV:

It's now 4 AM.

It's been an hour since the rain started. It was still heavily pouring.

I wasn't able to go back to sleep anymore, so I'm here, guarding the door while watching my friends sleep peacefully.

Due to the storm, the temperature dropped low. Most of us were freezing.

I noticed Chandra shaking from the cold. I went towards her before taking off my hoodie and covering her with it. I looked at the rest. They were also shivering. I tried to look for something to cover their body.

I went to every backpack there was and only found one jacket.

Deciding who to give it to, I saw that Zielle was the one shivering the most.

She was also one of my closest friends. I've known her since we were 7. She was also the reason why me and Chandra met.

After giving it to her, I notice someone move from a distance.


She was awake.

"Oh, you're awake." I said quietly.

She looked at me, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Good morning." She smiled.

I greeted her back before she stood up, heading to the other corner, going for a cup of water.

It was quite awkward since we weren't really that close.

Compared to me, she was a really quiet student along with her friend, Estella. The only time I hear them talk is when they're with Hiro or Jule.

I observed her every movement as she walked towards the door, peeking through the curtains.

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