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A loud high-pitched scream caught all of their attention.

"What's happening?!" Sky stood from his seat.

"Shit!" Cly quickly dashed to where the two girls went while Zielle and Sky followed.

"Calli! Estell!" Jule was about to follow the rest but Gab stopped her.

"Jule, don't. Let them handle it." She just listened, silently praying that they were okay.

As the three ran to find the two girls, they saw Calli running towards them. As soon as she got closer to them, Cly grabbed her shoulders.

He saw her shaking with her face full of fear.

"Callista, what happened?!" Cly asked her.

"There... T-There were...zombies." She answered. Her voice was shaking and she was breathing rapidly.

"What? But where's Estell?!"

She looked behind her and realized her friend wasn't with her anymore.

"She was...she was just behind me." Her heart started to beat faster due to nervousness.

Then, they heard numerous footsteps and snarls coming their way.

"Cly, we have to go." Zielle said.

Cly was thinking of what to do. They can't just leave Estell, but if they don't leave now, all of them could die.

"Let's go." He grabbed Calli's wrist before they all ran back to the van.

"I'm sorry, Estella..."

They soon then arrived where everyone else was. The other four who stayed saw how Calli looked so scared. Jule quickly rushed to Calli, hugging her to stop her from shaking. After the embrace, she looked her straight in the eyes.

"What happened, Calli? Where's Estell?"

"There were zombies chasing us, and we ran but when I looked back, she was gone..."

"Let's go before they get here." Sky said. He was about to hop on the driver's seat, but Zielle stopped him.

"I'll drive this time. You keep taking us to places that aren't even safe."

Sky just nodded, looking down before hopping on the passenger seat.

Everyone was now in the van, back into their original seat except for Jule. She chose to sit next to Calli as she try to comfort her. She just lost her best friend and the least she can do was comfort her. But deep inside, Jule was also devasted after losing another friend, but now isn't the time to show it. She has to be strong for Calli. She's the only one this girl has left.

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