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Minutes passed by, and they were still waiting. Boredom took over them as they all sat on the floor. Some of them were already whining and complaining because of the long wait. They couldn't let another minute pass, hunger was already taking over them.

Meanwhile, Sean was busy writing something on a piece of paper.

"What are you writing?" A voice appeared next to him.

He quickly hid the paper in his pocket and looked at Jule.

"It's nothing."

"Come on, show me. Is it another poem?" She asked, full of curiosity.

"It's nothing special, really." He assured. Jule pouted.

"Let's go, they're gone." Sky spoke, alarming everyone.

They all stood up with weapons ready, held tightly in their hands.

Slowly opening the door as quietly as possible, they all exit the building one by one. They were now all headed to the convenience store not so far from the academy.

Zielle was at the front while others followed from behind. Fierce was the only thing seen in her eyes as she takes every step carefully.

They all tried their best to stay silent and be unnoticeable to the zombies.

...well, except for one.

"Ow, fuck! Stupid fucking bee!" Someone yelled.

They all turned to the girl who was stomping her feet hard after getting stung by a bee.

"Chandra!" Zielle whispered loudly, sending her glares.

Chandra looked up to them, realizing what she had just done.

"Oh, no."

Loud growls from a distance alerted them. Zombies were now coming for them.

"Go, go, go!" Gab screamed.

They all ran as fast as they can, heading straight to the school's gate.

Sean turned around, seeing Jule being left behind. She was a slow runner. He grabbed her wrist to fasten her pace.

They ran and ran until they were finally in front of the gate.

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