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The cheese search

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"Byeee~" Zielle waved at them, showing a fake smile as she and two other boys left the safe room while carrying their firearms.

As soon as the door was closed, her smile dropped. "Do we really have to do this?"

"I guess...Believe me, I don't wanna do this either." Sky responded.

"Okay, but there's no way I'm allowing my cause of death to be like 'Died because of a damn cheese search.'" Zielle rolled her eyes.

"Let's just get this over with, so I can begin cooking soon." Cly interrupted, going ahead of them, following the direction Aki told them earlier.

"Let the cheese search begin."

They walked while looking around for any signs of an infected. A few were running to them, and they were able to shoot it before it could even get close to them.

"Is this it? It's smaller than I thought." Sky asked, peeking inside through the glass. It was pitch dark inside. The three of them opened their own flashlights, searching for the item that they need.

As Cly and Zielle immediately went to where they assumed where the cheeses were placed, Sky separated ways and grabbed a basket.

Walking around the shelves, Sky found himself in the area where snacks and chocolates were placed. He grabbed his favorite brand of chocolate, Ferrero Rocher. He opened its hard, plastic case and unwrapped one before putting it in his mouth.

As he chewed and tasted the sugary, sweetened treat, he made a sound of satisfaction along with some nodding. 

"Hmm~" Continuing to enjoy the taste as he grabbed more of the chocolate and also some chips and other brands of chocolate, putting it all in the basket.

After overflowing the basket with snacks, he walked to the other two. When he arrived, the two looked at him and at what he was carrying.

"As far as I know, we're here for cheese, not chocolates or chips." Zielle eyed him.

"I know, but might as well make the most of coming here." He leaned his back on the unpowered fridge behind them. "And look, I have you're favorite." He took out another brand of sweet and waved it to her face.

Zielle rolled her eyes before snatching it from his hand and unwrapping it, taking a huge bite of it, making Sky show a satisfied grin.

Meanwhile, Cly was crouching down while busy deciding which brand of cheddar cheese to get. He doesn't have much knowledge of it.

"Does any of you know which tastes better?" Cly asked, showing four different brands.

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