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Safe zone?

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"Who said it was a boy?!" She blurted, irritated.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at her confused. Everything went silent with an irritated Chandra walking out, exiting the basement with a loud slam from the door echoing through the room.

"So, it's a girl?" Gab asked, looking at everyone.

"Let's change the topic, shall we? She doesn't want people interfering with her personal life, especially her love life." Sky said before following the girl.

The awkward silence continued after he slammed the door. 

"So...what now?" Gab spoke, breaking the silence.

"Did I go too far? I mean, I didn't know she was...into girls." Cly asked.

"Well, none of us did, so clearly it ain't our fault. Sky's the only one who knows stuff about her anyway." Gab replied, walking towards his area to rest.

"You're sleeping already?" Cly looked at him as his friend covered his own face with a pillow.

"I'm tired." His short answer was barely heard because of the pillow.

Short after, the rest did the same, ending the night quietly. An hour later, Chandra had returned inside along with Sky. She still looked upset as she laid down to sleep.

Cly who was still awake followed her movements before grabbing his phone. He opened his messages and clicked on her name, texting her.

Clyden: Sorry.

Clyden: Now, stop with that face, it's ugly.

Chandra who was about to fall asleep, felt her phone vibrate. She opened the screen and saw his message, scoffing out in disbelief.

Chandra: 🖕🥺🖕

Clyden: so immature for what?

Clyden: you're already 18 so act like one.

Chandra: are we even friends?

Chandra: the audacity to still insult me after what happened...?

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