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She ran and ran and ran, trying to get away from the zombies chasing her. Running around while breathing heavily from exhaustion and fear.

While dashing through the school fields, she bumped into someone, making them both fall to the ground. She glanced at them and realized it was one of her classmates, Zielle.

She quickly helped her up after fixing herself.

Zielle looked at her. She was all sweaty with bloody stains on her uniform.

"Chandra? Why aren't you with Skyler?"

Before Chandra could answer, the sound of snarling was being heard getting closer and closer. Zielle looked around before pulling the other girl. They both hid behind a truck to be unnoticeable to the upcoming zombies.

The sound of footsteps became louder as zombies came closer, looking for another human to be their prey. Zielle slowly lifted her index finger to her lips, signaling Chandra to not make a sound.

A few minutes later, it was now quiet. 

Zielle slowly turned her head to look. The coast was clear.

"They're gone. Let's go." Zielle announced. Chandra nodded before following her.

While running around, trying to find a safe place, they heard footsteps coming toward them. They turned their heads and saw a zombie. The zombie immediately jumped on Zielle, attacking her.

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After Gab and Sky's short argument, they were both separated.

Sky was burning holes into Gab's back as he walks towards the window.  He pulled back his arms that were being held by Sean and Hiro before putting back the chairs and desks that were being used to block the door. He was still concerned about Chandra and whether she was safe or not. She was the only friend that he trusted the most.

Suddenly, a loud sound was heard from the window, causing him to immediately turn his head.

He saw someone's hand slam against the glass window. He noticed a familiar bracelet on their wrist. He immediately knew who it was.

They climbed higher in order to show their face. 

It was Chandra.

She was using a ladder as a shortcut to get to her classroom.

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