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Run, students, run

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Now on the first floor, Crystal was walking back to her class, behind her were also the three other boys from her class, Cly, Gab, and Sky.

"Hey, Crystal!" She heard someone call from behind.

It was Gab.

She turned her head in his direction, seeing him walk towards her.

"Oh, hey, what's...up?" She said awkwardly. It was the first time he ever approached her.

"I know this is so sudden, but can I get your number?" He said confidently.

Crystal was taken aback, making her speechless.


Gab smiled and handed her his phone. About to type her number, when suddenly an alert appeared on the screen.


Epidemic alert to all residents of the city of Artessa. There has been an outbreak of a virus around the area. Please wait for rescue authorities to arrive. Until then, you are advised to stay indoors and lock all doors and windows. Thank you."

"Huh?" She said, confused.

Gab also got curious and read the alert. He look at his friends and saw that they also received it.

Soon, they heard screams coming from groups of people running. They took their eyes off the phone screens and lifted their heads.

"What the hell is going on?" Sky spoke, walking towards the other two.

They stared as everyone kept running past them, curious to see what was happening. Sky grabbed one of the student's arms to ask. "What's happening?"

The student brushed him off and continued to run.

"Hey!" He tried to call them again but they just ignored him. "The fuck is wrong with everyone?!"

"Okay, but seriously, I think we should also run." Cly said.

"You go without me, I need to know what's going on first." Sky said walking towards the entrance of the building.

Suddenly, someone jumped on him, making him fall to the ground. The person was all bloody with a huge bite mark on his neck. As it try to bite his neck off, Sky pushed its shoulder away, preventing them from getting close to him. Blood from its mouth was dripping to his face as he cursed repeatedly.

Tag, you're it.  || TXT x ITZYWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt